Never Should've Happened

978 13 6

TW: Mentions of seizures and Epilepsy (just to clarify I myself struggle with Epilepsy i just never seen an Imagine about it and I am in no way trying to romanticise it)!!

BACKSTORY: this is based on the episode where the boys trap Kie and Sarah on the boat in the marsh and Y/N is there to keep peace between the two but the boys forgot one important Detail.

„What the hell is going on!!" Kie and I both exclaimed as Pope approached the Dock.
„Emergency, JJ and john B are stuck in the marsh and need a tow" I exchanged a look with Kie. „ And what does this have to do with us?" i asked, Pope just answered „ We need you for mechanical and JJ said he wanted Y/N to come too" We just rolled our eyes as we drove into the marsh where the boat was. Kie and I jumped on the boat and walked towards JJ and John B, after last night when John B just randomly made Sarah Cameron part of the pogues, I wondered why Kie even talked to him.
„What happened?" Kie asked then John B told her that the alternator wasn't alternating or something I didn't really listen because i was to busy watching JJ as he came towards me embracing me in a hug and giving me a quick peck on the lips. „Hey there Pretty Lady" JJ said looking down at me.
„Y/N hey sorry to take her from you JJ but John B is useless and I need help with this" Kie said referring to the mechanical problem. „Yeah, come on help her" JJ said i just looked at him confused while I bent down to help Kie. „Ehmmmmm are they kidding where are the plugs?J—" I Couldn't even finish my sentence when we heard a splash from outside. We ran outside, confused while the boys climbed in the HMS Pogue. I was going to scream after them what kind of sick prank they were playing when Kie and I both snapped our head towards the door on the floor which no other than Sarah effing Cameron was behind. „NO absolutely No, what the hell get your asses back here!!" Kie screamed at the boys. „ Not until you figure it out" John B screamed as they were driving away. Sarah was already swimming in the water when she tried to catch up to the boys which she obvisiouly couldn't. She climbed back on the boat already starting to bicker with Kie again when it dawned on me,

JJ left me alone in the marsh

No phone

No Help

And most Importantly

No Anti-Seizure medication

I started to panic when Kie noticed „ Hey what's going on you look like you're going to have a panic attack?" this also caught Sarah's attention. „I mean I'm Ok with being stuck with you out here but.." i started stuttering „ But it would be easier if they hadn't forgotten that i NEED to take my medication in order to not seize OUT HERE" Kie looked at me with wide eyes I was full on crying as i sat on the floor of the boat.„Hey,hey I know for a fact that stressing about is not gonna help, so... just take some deep breaths Okay" i was shakily breathing when Sarah joined me and Kie on the floor while I took deep breaths I could faintly make out what Kie and Sarah were saying.„ For Y/N's sake we should stop fighting and maybe work things out?" Sarah asked which earned a simple nod and little smile from Kie
„Y/N so how does this work? I know JJ always knows what to do if you have a seizure, what can we do?" They looked at me waiting for an answer
„For now the only thing we can do is keep calm and don't panic and wait and hope those idiots come back soon"


We have been on this boat for hours it's almost sunrise again when the all so familiar headache and dizziness started. I tried holding on to something but my legs gave out and I fell on the floor. „Jesus Christ,Y/N!!" Kie and Sarah screamed while rushing to my side to help me sit up. I couldn't make out Sarah and Kie's words to me everything was blurry and black dots clouded my vision. That's when i completely collapsed.

I was worrying like a maniac JJ knew how much she hated having seizures he left her out here with us WITHOUT her damn medication and I have only been there for one of her seizures and I was a crying wreck, it looked torturous. Sarah is going to feel the same i did the first time. „O-o-kay wh-what do we do the boys aren't going to be here for a while" Sarah stuttered „I don't know JJ is always the one to know what to do in those situations" i told her
I remembered what JJ did with her when she was seizing thankfully she hasn't started seizing yet but her hands are already cramped and her breathing is getting sharper and heavier. Sarah and i both were crying while we did the only thing we thought was right and sat there waiting for her seizure or JJ.
„Sarah she is going to start seizing really soon so please don't freak out it won't help her but I'm warning you it looks horrible" i told her she nodded and stroked Y/N's arm
We sat there for a while just waiting for it to happen
A few minutes passed when Y/N's eyes suddenly rolled to the back of her head
„SHIT!! O-ok it's happening Sarah we can do this" Sarah and i both held onto her and rolled her on her side. Sarah was a sobbing wreck I completely feel for her it looks terrible

10 minutes later...
Finally after 10 torturous minutes Y/N finally stopped seizing
The sun is already up just a matter of time before the idiot boys show up
Sarah stared at Y/N „Hey Kie, I just wanted to say how sorry I am" I dismissed and said we schould talk about it later
We sat on the floor with Y/Ns head in my lap while Sarah held her hand when we finally heard all too familiar voices in the distant

The boys

Y/N was still passed out JJ immediately jumped on the boat and ran over too us
„JJ you moron you know how much she hates having them and you just completely traumatized Sarah"
JJ looked so guilty as he sat next to me holding her hand „I'm so sorry Kie, I completely forgot-"
I cut him off
„Don't apologize to me, apologize to her when she wakes up"
I stood up as JJ took her from me and moved her between his legs so he could hold her up
Sarah was still sniffling I took a step towards her and pulled her into a hug
„At least it worked" JB said Sarah smacked his head hard
„You idiot she is going to be completely out of it and you are taking about this stupid plan"

Y/N pov
I felt exhausted and drained so I knew what had happened, I had a seizure
My eyes fluttered open and was immediately met with four very worried and distraught faces
„Hey..." I croaked i was so tired my whole body ached and then i started crying again and noticed I was in someones arms, JJ
„Hey girl don't cry it's OK" Sarah said squatting In front of me  JJ's grip tightened
„It's OK guys I'm fine I just wanna go home" i said quietly
JJ helped me up and supported me, my knees buckled underneath me a few times but JJ always caught me, he was awfully quiet
I made it on the pogue and we drove to the chateau

As soon as we made it inside I completely collapsed again out if exhaustion JJ of course was there to catch me in time

This was a lot hope you enjoyed this little darker chapter i might make a part 2 if you want one let me know🤍

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