Never should've happened part 2

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The whole ride to the Chateau was quiet, JJ held me in his arms and was awfully quiet.
"Hey Jay..." I whispered turning around so i can face him because I'm still positioned between his legs
JJ hummed in response not looking a way from our interwined fingers.
"Can you stay the night at my house please" i got out again he only hummed in response I am still so out of it that his quietness doesn't bother me right now.

I carefully climbed out of the pogue holding onto Kie an JJ "Is it Okay if we let you sleep in JJ's room and then we'll drive you home?" Kie asked in a soft tone
I just nodded my head in response
Kie and JJ eased me on his bed when the dizziness all of a sudden came back
"Jay— I-I th-think I'm goin..."

She couldn't even finish her sentence before her eyes rolled back and she started seizing again
"Fuck!" I exclaimed before i rolled her on her side and held her head steady
I didn't notice but the whole time she seized I cried because she hates having seizures and I'm the reason she is even having them right now, I feel guilty... I'm a fucking idiot.
"Someone, I don't care who, check her bag she has her medication in there" I knew she always had back up pills and her emergency medication in a little purple bag we always made fun because she called it her epilepsy survival kit
Pope rushed in with the bag in his hand
"Pope, Kie I need you to hold her head steady i'm going to giver her the emergency syringe (it's a syringe filled with a liquid medication to stop seizures if you seize for longer than seven minutes it has no needle you have to put it in the persons mouth)
Kie held her head while Sarah,John B and Pope stroked her arm or massaged her tense muscles
As soon as I got the medication in i could feel her relaxing
The tears were still there i hated watching her seize but knowing that I caused it is a hundred times worse
We all always talk to her when she is seizing she always told us it helped knowing someone was there for her
I love Y/N with all my heart but i haven't told her yet so this is breaking me and I know she will hate me for it
"Hey Darling, can you open your eyes for us please" I asked with her head in my lap stroking her cheek
"Come on girl wake up and tell some tea" Kie tried to joke. Kie looked at me "JJ you know this isn't your fault this could've happened to any of us she isn't going to be mad at you" Sarah said while the tears were still streaming down my face i got up and went outside

I followed JJ outside making sure he doesn't completely destroy the porch.
But when I got outside i was already to late JJ was frantically running around with a hand on his chest
"Dude what are you doing she needs you right now you are always there when she wakes up" I yelled at him
"I can't be there knowing when she wakes up she is going to hate me because I left her out there without her medication" JJ yelled back at me

I woke up exhausted again "It happened again didn't it" I sighed i heard people chuckle and opened my eyes. It was weird usually the first person I see is JJ but neither him nor John B are here. "Where's JJ?" i asked sitting up
"He and JB are outside, because JJ thinks you hate him for leaving you out there"
As soon as Pope said that i could hear the screaming coming from outside. I got up despite Kie's protests
I opened the door to the porch when I heard JJ scream
"It IS my fault, every time she has a seizure she tells us how much she hates them and wishes to never have one again, Now because of me the girl that I'm In love with had two seizures in one day because I am screwup who can't even remember that she needs her medication i failed her"
I stood there with tears in my eyes watching the boy I love struggle to breath.
"JJ.." I whispered as we made eye contact
"Y/n i-i am so-so sor-ry"he croaked out trying to regulate his breathing
With still not very stable legs I ran down the steps and pulled JJ in my arms where he sobbed on my shoulder while telling me how sorry he was over and over again.
"Jay... Baby look at me you have nothing to be sorry about Okay, this could've happened to anyone, shit it happened to my mum TWICE, but JJ you are not a screwup and you did not fail me you amaze me every day by just being the loyal, kindhearted guy you are and you need to know JJ I love you and I could never be mad at you because of this" i pulled JJ of my shoulder as he still had a tight grip on me to look into his beautiful blue eyes

"I love you too" is all JJ said before smashing our lips together, this kiss like every other sat off fireworks in me but it also gave JJ the reassurance that i could never leave him for something that could've happened to anyone

We pulled apart and just stared into each other's eyes. I hugged him agin and started playing with his hair as he just tightly held me
"I'm sorry" he whispered and kissed my neck
"It's Okay" i whispered into his ear
"But can we cuddle and take a nap now together I'm exhausted" i added sighing dramatically
He giggled, picked me up by my thighs and carried me back to his room where we cuddled and started a war of who loves the other more.

So this was very long hope you enjoyed it!!
Let me know what you want to see next i have one imagine that i still need to finish writing than i'm open to requests<3
thanks for reading

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