34. Jealousy, Jealousy

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"Okay guys, we've got a problem." Jack announced as he walked into the living room where Alex, Kio, Kouvr, Charli, Chase, Dixie, Noah, Vinnie and I were hanging out. 
"What's up?" I asked back as he sat on the couch next to me.
"There's no flights with space for another like two months." Jack shook his head and I shrugged.
"Okay, we can take my family's jet." I stated and suddenly felt a lot of eyes on me.
"Your family has a jet?" Kouvr asked and I shrugged.
"Uh, yeah..." I started but Kio cut me off.
"Yeah her family is fucking loaded." He smirked and I nodded slightly.
"Thank you, Kio." I said through my teeth sending him a look. "But yeah if my dad isn't using it we should be fine."
"Damn, thanks Sam." Jack smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and giving me a hug. I glanced up towards Vinnie, who was sitting on the opposite side of the room with Kio, staring at his hands.
"No problem." I laughed back. "I'll go call my dad and see if we can get it."

I left the house, walking over to the outdoor seating around the pool in the backyard, hesitantly dialing my dads number.
"Samantha." He answered the phone and I took a deep breath.
"Good morning sir." I answered, wiping my sweaty hands on Vinnie's sweatpants that I was wearing.
"Good morning, what can I do for you today?" He asked and I nodded slightly.
"Uh, my friends and I wanted to go to Fiji for a couple of weeks and there's no flights for like two months, so I was wondering if..." I started but he cut me off.
"Okay, I'll send Hugh in the morning and then I'll send him there again two weeks from tomorrow. But I will need him in between then so no one can come home early." He answered, making me release a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Thank you sir." I smiled before hanging up the phone, hearing the door open. I glanced up watching Vinnie as he walked outside and towards me.

"Hey." I smiled and he nodded, sitting down next to me, staring at his hands. "What's up?" I asked, brow furrowed as I leaned towards him.
"Nothin'." He shook his head, leaning back with his hands behind his head.
"Vinnie, it's okay you can tell me. Clearly something's wrong." I pleaded, reaching across and pulling his hand from behind his head and holding it with mine.
"Are you into Jack?" He asked, making my jaw drop as my brow furrowed further.
"Are you crazy? Vinnie, no I'm not into Jack." I shook my head and he nodded slightly.
"What about Harry?" He asked and I closed my eyes.
"Vinnie are we going to go through every guy I've ever had an in my life because that could take a while." I shook my head and squeezed his hand.
"Just answer the question Sam." He groaned.
"No, Vin, I'm not into Harry. Why are you interrogating me like this?" I answered and he shrugged.
"Oh com'on can you blame me? I mean, I've seen the way you look at them, it's the way you look at me. And you're always hugging them, and how you and Harry are like shot buddies..." He started, making me drop his hand.
"Don't do that Vinnie." I shook my head, brushing the hair out of my face. "Oh come on! You know me, you know I'm just a touchy person. You know I would never do anything like that if I were with someone."
"Don't pretend you don't know that they're into you. Them, Jaden, that fucking guy from the ball, like every guy from Kio's birthday. You know they all want to fuck you, you know you do. And one of them did so what does that say?" Vinnie shook his head as I stood up.
"I'm going inside, don't talk to me until you've gained some sense. Fuck's sake." I walked inside, immediately being stopped by Jack.

"Hey what did your dad say?" He asked and I nodded.
"Oh, uh, he said we can have it tomorrow and two weeks from tomorrow to get back, but it's being used between then." I answered as he jumped forward and hugged me again. 
"You're the best Sam!" He smiled and I nodded slightly, pulling away from the hug but his arm stayed around my shoulder. "Okay so meet at the airport at 6, it's a 10 hour flight so we should get there at 4 in the afternoon." He announced to the group as Vinnie walked back in.
"But we'll all be hungover from the Hype party tonight." Alex complained and Jack shrugged.
"Not my problem." I glanced up at Vinnie who sent me a look back before walking over and sitting next to Kio on the couch. The other's were still talking but I had zoned them out as I watched Vinnie. I felt Jack's head lean down on top of mine, making Vinnie raise his eyebrows at me in an 'I told you so' kind of way. I rolled my eyes back at him and moved out of Jack's embrace.
"I'm going to watch a movie and pack. I'll see you guys tonight." I forced a smile before walking up the stairs and to my room. I turned on my TV, turning on Shameless on Netflix before pulling a bag out of my closet, hearing a knock on my door, which I ignored. I put my bag on my bed and unzipped it, getting ready to start packing.

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