pt 1. Meeting💙

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Luca was looking after the fish sheep and he got sleepy because the night before he couldn't sleep at all because all he was thinking what the surface would be like, so then one of the fish got away and the rest followed it and when he opened his eyes he saw that they all were gone and he gasped "oh no! Moms gonna kill me!" In a state of panic he swam all around looking for them and once he finnaly found them something outta the corner caught his eye, it was Alberto in the scuba diver suit but luca didn't know that so he screamed and started to swim away but since he wasn't paying attention to where he was swimming he hit a rock and was cornered. Alberto then took off the helmet and reveled himself, luca looked at him and sighed in relief. Alberto looked at him and smiled "calm down. Names Alberto". Luka looked at him " I- I'm luca, what are you even doing?" Alberto replied "looking for human thing to add to my collection" Alberto then grabbed Lucas hand and brought him up to the surface to where they could pop their heads outta the water. Luca got scared "I really shouldn't be doing this! What if my mom finds out?! What if a human sees us?!" Luca turned his head to look at Alberto and screamed thinking he was a human then Alberto laughed and smiled "it's me Alberto, now chill" he got out of the water and turned into full human form then looked at Luca who was still in the water "well? Come on out it's not that scary, no one will see us.... Probably-" Luca looked at him and hesitated for a moment then got out of the water turning into his human form then fell and flopped like a fish on the ground. Alberto looked at him thinking to himself 'cute' then he helped Luca up "it's just like swimming except for the swimming part" Luca tried again but fell and then Alberto helped him up again and held his hand as they both blushed slightly "just move one foot in front if the other but catch yourself before you fall. If you want we can hold hands if it makes you feel more safe" he winked at Luca then but his lip as he smirked. Luca blushed a lot, even tho he didn't know Alberto that well. Luca then hesitated but then held Alberto's hand as he looked away trying to hide the fact that he was blushing a little. He then started walking and not falling, once Luca got a hand on the walking part Alberto smiled "great job! You're a natural!, I mean that's pretty good" he said while looking away blushing.

The end of part one, hope you guys enjoy! It's not as good as I wish it could be but I mean it's something!

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