the pros and cons

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Pros- Strong, loyal, protective, adventurous, kind, smart, good hugs, hot warrior wife, great huntress and incredibly independent.
Will call you pet names in private.

Cons- oblivious to all hell, stubborn, always going to make you worry since if she isn't fighting an evil ai, it's their cult. If it's not the cult then it's the giant robots the size of mountains she goes toe to toe with on the reg.

Pros- great hugs, most definitely affectionate ( i mean he looks so cozy), funny, smart, I'd say less protective than Aloy but still protective. Could teach you self defense if you needed to learn it. You cannot convince me this man can't cook. I think he is a very good cook. Fucking loyal to a fault man. Will use pet names more than your actual name.

Cons- as Aloy's friend and as the leader of the vanguard, he's not there as much as you would like. He wouldn't want you to go with him on quests to save the planet because, no matter how much you train, he thinks you're gonna get yourself killed.

Pros- like Aloy, a hot warrior wife. Supportive, thoughtful, determined. She's vibrant and full of life. She will bring you trinkets from her hunts.

Cons- chick goes toe to toe with giant robot dinosaurs for a living, be prepared to sit up late wondering if she will make it home safely. You know she's a pro but she is still human. Her determination can lead to tunnel vision, stubbornness even. She isn't very affectionate if at all in public. In private she is but she's a hawk with an image to uphold. She is also very protective,outside of Aloy and the lodge, you're all she has and she will die before letting you die.

Pros- he respects your boundaries. Definitely a great cook, dude doesn't seem like he goes into the city often if ever, so he kinda has to be. Very caring once you get in his good graces, might even sleep in your presence if he really trusts you. Makes sure to take small trophies to give to you after a bandit hunt if you aren't with him. He is very caring and almost tender at times, will tend to your wounds.

Cons- i're dating a serial killer, he hunts people. If you choose to stay and be his hunting partner then don't expect to be able to get out of it. He won't actually use any real terms like " girl/boyfriend" but expects you to know that you two are together.  For him it's either " hunting partner " or " wife/husband/partner", no in-between.

King Avad:

Pros- very affectionate, kind and caring. He's a king so be expecting gifts, expensive ones that show off to others that he is courting you. I can see him being unintentionally funny. Will definitely need you in his bed chambers at night to sleep once you two are officially, dude just doesn't like sleeping alone. Most definitely uses pet names. He is a romantic at heart and would love to shower you with fancy dates when he as the time. He's very passionate. Will commit very fast, the type to date for marriage.

Cons- he's very protective, his last lover died so he wants to keep you safe at all costs. Might compare you to his late lover, i mean it was probably his first love so try not to take it too seriously. You and your family will be thrown up in the world, in means of status at the very least. There will be a lot of training once you and Avad get serious, if you are going to be the first wife of Sun King  Avad, then you will have to look and act the part, at least for the public. He is traditional, he will want children, it would be either you or a royal surrogate's job to provide an heir to the throne.


Pros- very sweet, strong, definitely gives good hugs. Will most likely give you one let name and use that as your name. Strong willed and determined.

Cons- like Avad, he's traditional. He's also a momma's boy, and if you are an outsider it will be nearly impossible for you to get her approval, even if you aren't it will be hard. He has a temper on him too, and you would essentially have to give up your old life to join the Nora tribe.

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