how you two met

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You were screwed, running from a Lancehorn, and it was gaining on you. You had accidentally stumbled upon a group and one saw you from your hiding spot. As you glance back you see it's preparing for it's attack, you were most definitely dead. Suddenly a flash of red and the cry of a Lancehorn in pain. You heard it fall to the ground with a loud thud, three arrows and a spear in its side, you saw your savior. Hair red as fire, Nora armor adorning her muscular frame, eyes as green as the meadow you two are in. " One more heartbeat you would've been dead." She says looking to you as she removed the spear. " T-thank you" you manage to stammer out. " What's your name? How can I possibly repay you for saving me?" You ask . " My name is Aloy. You can repay me by not getting that close to a heard of machines again It's getting dark out, you should head back to your home." Aloy states bluntly. " Please, come with me. The least I can do is allow you to rest and eat in my home." You say, hoping Aloy would say yes. Aloy sighs ,her armor is dirty, she's tired and hungry. " Alright. Lead the way." Aloy says, walking towards you. " My name is y/n by the way." You say happily, it's been a while since you've had guests and none as beautiful as her. " It's nice to meet you y/n."

Erend - Erend had just got off from patrol for the night, tired and thirsty. The perfect time to goto the tavern and get a drink. You were a worker in the tavern where he would frequent most nights, though never actually meeting the vanguard's brave leader, you usually worked in the morning. Tonight however, you worked the night shift and in he walks, sitting at a booth that seems to be reserves for him without any actual reservation. You straighten up your small apron, you have to look presentable for such a high status customer. He takes off his helmet and you get a look at him, a mustache that follows his jawline in a chinless beard, a mohawk of hair as brown as chocolate but his eyes were bluer than the sky itself. The barkeep hands you Erend's regular drink, it was rather large and filled with mead. " Go take him his drink, and be quick. " He told you. You nodded, grabbing it by the handle, playing a hand on the bottom to make sure you don't spill it what so ever. Based on how he spoke and acted you wouldn't have guessed that he was a fierce warrior, the best there is, the man who leads the vanguard and speaks directly with the king. He was joking, laughing, telling a story from today's rounds. You place the Mead on the table and go to turn away wordlessly when he spoke " thank you...i haven't seen you here before. What's your name? " He asks friendly. How can someone be on their feet all day, at least 16 hours and be so cheerful? " My name is y/n sir." You answer politely. " Sir? Now don't be so formal, I'm Erend, everyone knows me here by that name." He smiles. " Come, why don't you sit for a while. You seem tired, that is, if the boss is okay with it." He says slightly louder, the barkeep only nodding in response. You sit in the booth and listen to him talk to the surrounding tables about the drunkards trying to pick fights with chickens and men trying to run through the gates without being checked as he drunk like the alcohol was water. As the night is ending, you get up to start cleaning and go home. As you go to grab his drink " you know, y/n, why don't I see you here more? It would be a blessing to see you more." He slurs out, clearly have had too much. You smile " that's because i work mostly in the morning, i think you would be on your rounds already or meeting with the king by then. Feel free to come in whenever you like. ". Sure enough the next morning as you got in he was there, smile on his face and drink in hand.

Talanah- you had been sent by your family to goto the Sunhawk and beg them for help. A snapmaw has been terrorizing your family for weeks now and is killing your livestock. You fear you and your loved ones are next. As you enter the lodge you're amazed by the trophies of their hunts, this place is truly glorious. There at the top of the staircase you see her. Sunhawk Talanah. Her hair was the darkest black you had ever seen with lips colored to a deep brownish gloss. Her eyes hold the flame of a true huntress, proud and fierce. You go up to her and explain the situation you're in, pleading that you will pay any price. " All i ask in payment is the head of the machine. " She says happily. You nod, it's not like you or anyone on your farm would miss it. You lead her to your farm and to the area where it was seen, almost invisible in the murky water if not for it's red eyes. Talanah readys her bow and yells at you to go as the beast rises from the water with a mechanical roar. You run to a safe distance, watching on, fascinated by her movements. She's fierce but somehow graceful, like it's a dance she has don't a million times. It doesn't take her long to vanquish the snapmaw. " You were amazing back there." You say. Even now, covered in machine fluid, sweat and water she looks stunning. " Thank you. Anything else you need ma'am? " Talanah asks. " My name is y/n, there isn't anything else for now however, would you like to join me for dinner? I am having a feast celebrate the death of the snapmaw, i feel it is only right you join me." You state almost nervously. To your delight she nods " sure, why not? It would be an honor." She says smiling. " It will be held at nightfall, i hope to see you. " You say, happy she said yes. " I will see you then." Talanah say and strides off to get washed up and changed, after all, she had a dinner to prepare for.

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