where they like to kiss you (besides the lips)

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Aloy- The forehead. She sees it as way to say that she's there, it's a protective and nurturing place to kiss you in her opinion. She also enjoys to see the way you look up at her afterwords.

Erend- The top of your head. He wants to be your protector, to always keep you safe. For him, kissing you on the head is almost like a promise to keep you protected and safe.

Talanah- the temple. Imagine that she would more than likely kiss you there in public, which as the Sunhawk, she's in the public a lot.

Nil- The neck, more specifically your jugular
. He freaking loves knowing that at any time in that moment when his lips are on your neck, if he bites down too hard, he can kill you. He won't, and it means a lot to him that you trust him enough to let him so close to very vital parts of your body.

Avad- The shoulder. He loves to come up and surprise you with affection, kisses being no exception. One of his favorites things is to come up behind you, hold you gently by the waist and lowering his head to you and kissing you on the shoulder.

Varl-  The hand. He adores you and wants to treat you as if you're the goddess herself, so a kiss that is typically seen as a form of adoration and worship is perfect for him.

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