Coming home

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"Sweetie!," dad called from the living room as I arrived from dance practice. " Yesss, papi," I said as I sat in the couch beside his after saying goodbye to Liz.

"I have an early birthday gift for you," he said with a smile. Birthday gift? We were in November. My birthday was on the 2nd of January. "What's the gift?" I asked confused.

He handed me a small gift book. He gestured for me to open it. I untied it and saw a key. It was definitely not a car key. I thought he had already replaced my car which sadly lost it's life last week due to my brother's irresponsibility. I was a little heartbroken. I looked at him in confusion.

"You don't remember the key you're holding?" I shook my head slightly. "Look at the key holder very well," I took the key holder and gasped.

"This is the key to our old house in Nashville. I helped mum pick the key holder at the gift shop, " he nodded. I was still confused," Dad I'm still confused. Why are you giving it to me?"

And the biggest smile came on dad's face. " WE ARE GOING TO NASHVILLE, THIS CHRISTMAS!!!" I screamed in excitement. Forget the car!

One week later

As we drove past the buildings getting closer to Nashville I could feel my heart beating faster than normal and being a dancer that's saying something.

When my dad told me we were going to spend this Christmas with the Matthews in Nashville, I was super excited. I was finally going to see Aiden again. I had lost my phone almost a year after we moved and sadly lost contact with him.

Maybe that's why I'm feeling anxious, I thought to myself, I haven't spoken to him in over three years.

As we got closer, I was pretty sure I could hear my heart beating to the rhythm of Diana by one direction. Even though they had broken up, they were still my favourite boy band ever.

Trying to calm down I decided to sing along,"

Let me be the one to light a fire inside those eyes,
You've been lonely,
You don't even know me,
But I can feel you crying,
Let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life,
I don't think you even realize baby you'd be saving mine.

As I sang, my dad and annoying little brother joined in destroying the beautiful melody and lyrics of the song.

Twenty minutes and five Taylor Swift songs later, we arrived at the house I had spent most of the childhood in. Just the sight of the house brought back memories. Not bad ones but happy ones, I would never forget.

My mom chasing my dad round the house because he left the tap open, my dad kissing my mom under the mistletoe and Aiden and I pranking Seth till he cried. Maybe the last one was only good for some of us.

I walked into the familiar living room which had been cleaned and arranged in anticipation of our return. It looked exactly as I remembered.

I am very proud to say I helped design the living room

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I am very proud to say I helped design the living room. I saw my mom pictures still at the fire place and went closer to look at them well. I don't realise I had been crying until I felt tears ran down my cheek. I quickly cleaned them to prevent anyone from noticing.

I headed up the curved stairs with black rails to go to the second floor.

I headed up the curved stairs with black rails to go to the second floor

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I walked towards my bedroom room which was the last on the hall.

I walked towards my bedroom room which was the last on the hall

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I look around realising it was the exact way I left it. I smiled as I walked towards the balcony which was directly opposite his.

I look through his window and saw he had his back facing me and I had to say even though he had a shirt on, I could see he had become masculine and taller than the last time I saw him.
Of course what did I expect, he was even the captain of the basketball team, so I heard. Even though he was on the basketball team , he still took school very seriously, who he was still an A student. I know it sounds like I'm a stalker but I'm not. His mum, Aunt Amanda, told me all this when she came to watch me perform at the  National School Dance Competition. She told me he couldn't make it because he had a test he couldn't afford to miss. So to clear all doubts, No I didn't stalk him over the years.

"Sweetheart, it's time for dinner," dad said as he walked down the hall.

I got changed into a grey sweater with blue Jean's and comfy slippers.

I got changed into a grey sweater with blue Jean's and comfy slippers

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I rushed downstairs ready for dinner when I saw there wasn't any.

"I am pretty sure you said dinner was ready when you called. So...where is it" I said pointing at the empty dinner table.

"We are having dinner at the Matthews'," Seth said coming down the stairs." You will finally get to see your boyfriend." He gave me a teasing smile and winked. Yes he winked. My annoying little brother just winked at me. I feel so strange. I don't know if it's because of the wink or... the fact that he called Aiden Matthews my boyfriend. I have a feeling this is going to be a long dinner.

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