New Friendships

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After the meeting, the guys suggested that I went home with them, since my ride had bailed, but I politely denied. Even if he wasn't going to take me to see her. I would go by myself.

I requested an uber which was twenty five minutes out. I decided to listen to music while I waited. After a few minutes, I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw a guy a little older than me. He started talking and I removed my headphones to hear him better.

"Hey, I'm Jake," the guy said with one of the cutest smiles," Is this seat taken?" He pointed to the chair beside me. I shook my head. As he sat by me, I got a better view of him. He had messy blonde hair, which fit him very well for some reason, with the most beautiful shade of blue for his eyes. His lip was a light colour between pink and peach and an adorable smile.

 His lip was a light colour between pink and peach and an adorable smile

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"Waiting for someone?," he continue to ask. "Yeah, my uber," I said and he laughed. I narrowed my eyes at him. He immediately stopped. "You weren't joking." Again, I just shook my head. "You aren't much of a talker, are you? Or you just don't like me?," he said with a cute pout. This time I laughed.

"Sorry, just had a rough day." "So you are not waiting for an uber," he verified. "Oh no, I actually am."

He stared blankly at me for sometime then he said,'Hey, excuse me, you have a little bit of cuteness on your face ," I rose an eyebrow brown." Are you a keyboard, because you are just my type." I smiled,"Dude, what are you doing?" "Your dimples are illegal, so can I call you ille-girl." With that I burst into laughter. "What does that even mean?," I asked and he shrugged.

My phone beeped indicating that the uber driver had arrived. "I gotta go," I said as I picked up my bag. He held my hand and said," Don't go all Cinderella on me. At least give me a name." I smiled, "It's Samantha." "Could you add a number to it?," he said with his charming smile. I shook my head "Maybe next time." With that I walked out of the café and into the uber

Before we went to the cemetery, I went to the flower shop to buy her favourite flowers, water lilies. A few minutes later, we arrived at the cemetery. I paid the driver and stepped out of the car.

I walked to my mother's grave.

Matilda Matthews
Loving wife, mother, sister and friend

I saw another set of fresh water lilies on the grave and laid mine beside it. Someone had been here before me but, I didn't mind.

I cleared the space beside it and sat there.

Please play the song

"Hi mom, it's been a while since I visited. I know and I'm sorry. It's just that things came up and I couldn't. After your funeral, dad couldn't handle the pain, so we moved to Westwood. I made a lot of new friends there. You would love Liz, she is funny, sweet and super aggressive. I also joined the dance team like you wanted. We won the states and made it to the national."

"On the day of the national, things went wrong. I was involved in an accident which meant that I might not perform. Lizzy thinks it was a sabotage but I don't believe. It was just an accident. Well, I still danced and we won. The joyous moment didn't last long because the pain in my leg became so unbearable that I was rushed to the hospital."

" Even though Aunt Amanda was there I still missed you so much. I hoped that you will just walk into my hospital room. I imagined how you would stay with me every day, cuddle me and tell me everything would be okay, but you never came. The sad part is that I hoped you would."

"Well, I got better and we came back here for Christmas. Dad said it was my early birthday gift. I know what you're thinking,'Dad remembered your birthday?,' well yes he did. Ever since you left he has made every effort to remember everybody's birthday, even yours. He celebrates your birthday and marriage Anniversary like you are still with us. He misses you a lot, you know?" I could feel the tears forming in my eyes as I spoke.

"I was so excited to come back. Now I can't wait to leave. The one person I was super excited to see doesn't seem to need me here. Aiden has changed mum. I think he has created a world where I don't exist and it hurts. It hurts so much. I miss him." At this point I was fully in tears.

" His new girlfriend is so annoying and rude. I know I've met her before but I can't place where. All I know is that she hates me especially after Aunt Amanda put me in charge of the Christmas dinner. Yeah, the dinner you started still happens, it has become a tradition."

"Mum, Seth misses you too. He doesn't let anyone one know but, a few weeks ago I saw him holding your picture and crying. Seeing him like that broke me. He might be a hard headed boy but he has always been a mummy's boy. I just wish that he would talk to me about it,you know? We could cry together. Instead of him keeping it to himself and letting the pain build up. It's gonna explode one day and I don't want that to happen. All I want to say is I really, really miss you. Dad and Seth miss you too." I hadn't even realised it has gotten late. I tried to check the time on my phone but it had ran low. I decided it was time to leave so, I got up. "Goodbye, mum. I'll visit you soon." And with that I walked out, got the first taxi I could find and went home.

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