Let me go

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Immediately I got home my dad rushed and hugged me. I looked around to see everyone was one was here, from Aunt Amanda to the twins even Angela was here. "What going on?," I asked confused. "Honey, do you know what the time is?," Aunt Amanda asked still looking worried.

I shook my head, "My phone went off." "Honey, it's almost twelve. We were all worried." Twelve? Did I stay there that long? "I'm so sorry, I didn't know."

"Where were you?," Seth said. "What?" "I asked where you were that you didn't realise it had gotten so late?," he repeated.

I couldn't tell them I went to see mum, I couldn't ruin their night anymore than it has been.

Rubbing my palms together, I breathed in and out before answering," I decided today was a good day to look around since I hadn't been here in a while." Aiden looked furious for a reason. "Oh honey, we've spent the last hour looking for you everywhere. Next time, please tell us first, we could all go with you," Aunt Amanda said.

"I won't, I promise," I said to Aunt Amanda. I turned to everyone,"Again I'm very sorry for disturbing you guys but, I'm very tired so please excuse me." I gave my dad a peck on his cheek and went to my room.

Once I was alone, I removed my heels and laid on my bed to catch my breath. I was heading to the washroom when I heard a knock on my door.

I opened the door to reveal an angry Aiden. I was about to close the door in his face when he pushed it open and walked in and made himself comfortable on my bed. "I don't remember telling you to come in. As you heard downstairs, I'm very tired so please get out so I can rest." He just stared at me. "Did you recently go deaf? Because I don't think you heard me. I said get out!"

"You lied," he said out of the blue. "Excuse me?" "I said you lied. Or did you recently go deaf?," he replied using my own words against me. "You know what? You can't just come into my room and accuse me of lying," I said slowly losing my patience.

"We both know you lied, so drop the act," he said getting up from the bed and moving closer to me. "You rubbed your palm together. You only do that when you are absolutely nervous or you're lying." He chuckled. "You are doing it again," he said pointing to my hand. I released my hand and folded my arm. "What makes you think I wasn't nervous? Everyone was looking at me," I asked. "I just know you weren't. You are my best friend after all." I laughed.

"What was that about?," he asked ,"You are my best friend." This time I just scoffed. "Really? I am. I thought I was a friend." He looked confused and I shook my head. "You don't even remember saying that, do you? Let me jog your memory." Imitating him I continued," ' Angela, this is Samantha, a friend.' "

"Sammy," he said placing his hands on my shoulders," You know I didn't mean it like that." "Well, you said it like that. Sometimes people really confuse me, a lot. They say something but mean or do something completely different," I said getting more frustrated.

"Says the person who just lied to everyone who cares about her. Where did you even go?," he said fuming. "The fact that you don't even know where I went shows how bad of a 'best friend' you are Aiden."

"Oh so now, since you are my best friend I'm supposed to know where you go. Yeah, I don't think I got that superpower when they shared it," he went towards the balcony," Maybe they're still sharing it. Let me see if I could get it too." He opened the doors and started shouting, " I didn't get any, Where's mine?" I felt my heartbreak into thousand pieces at his words

I pulled him from there and closed the door. "You are such a horrible person, you know that?," I said my anger began to turn into tears, "You really don't remember."

He sighed and turned to face me. "I'm not a magician Sammy. You're gonna have tell me what I don't remember." I stared at him in disbelief.

"You don't remember that you promised to take me to see my mum." He froze. "How could you? When the only person you think and care about is Angela." He passed his hands through his hair. "Immediately she arrived I stop existing. So yeah, I lied to everyone and I had a good reason to but,what's your reason for being a horrible friend Aiden."

"Sammy, I'm so sorry. I..." "Forgot. Yeah I thought so." I completed for him. "Look Aiden, I'm really tired so please leave," I begged as I opened the door. He looked as if he was about to say something but stopped. He walked out of the room and as I was about to close the door he whispered," I'm sorry Sammy. I really am." And with that I closed the door.

After closing the door, I headed to the bathroom to change but my heart definitely had other plans. Cause immediately I closed the door, I fell to the ground and began to cry.

This was the first time Aiden and I had actually had a really fight. I might actually be losing my best friend.

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