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It's been two days since Christmas. After Liz's breakdown we decided to spend Boxing day indoors, which meant I hadn't spoken to Aiden about, you know. Seth told me he came over yesterday but it was supposed to be all about Liz so i had to send him away. I hope he doesn't think I'm ignoring him.

When I told Liz she went all fangirl on me. Asking questions like, 'How did he say it? Did you guys seal it with a kiss? Blah blah blah' I just answered her questions as best as I could without going all crazy on her. I think she is more excited about it than I am. She even got angry when she found out I hadn't spoken to him since. 'Girl, are you crazy? You cant just ignore him like that. What is wrong with you. Is this your first rodeo.' I shook my head at her, 'Not today. Today is you and me. No boys.' She sighed but let it go.

As much as her questions annoyed me a little, it helped her get over her pain so I let it slide. She didn't want to talk about her parents so we didn't. Instead we drowned her sorrows in Netflix. We binge-watched On My Block and ate two full containers of ice cream. We didn't even go downstairs for lunch or dinner. We fell asleep half way through season two.

Today I decided to have another alone day. My dad, Mr. Anthony, Seth and Aiden went skiing for some father son experience. Liz was hanging out with Luke trying to get in as much time with him as she could before we leave tomorrow.

I wonder what would happen to them when we return. I really hope it would last. They are perfect for each other. Sorry Blake.


I decided to visit Mum's grave one last time before I left. As usual I picked an uber and stopped at the flower shop to get water lilies before going to the cemetery. I walked to her grave and laid the flowers. I cleared the space beside the grave and sat down. I spent almost thirty minutes in silence just staring at it.

"Hey mum, I'm leaving tomorrow. It has already been three weeks since I came back. You know time moves very fast nowadays, and it's annoying. All I know is that, it's been a very long three week. I don't know if it's been the best or the worst three weeks of my life. It definitely had a rough start. With the whole Christmas Eve dinner planning and fight with Aiden. But as the days went by things got a lot better. From the ocean in the forest to Karaoke night. As fun as karaoke night was your absence was still felt. Between everything I realised I had feelings for Aiden."

I paused for a minute when I heard the sound dry leaves being crushed. Turned to where the sound was coming from and it stopped. I was about to get up and check. When an old man and a little holding a teddy bear came into view. I smiled at them and they waved. When they were out of sight I turned back to my mum.

"Everything between Aiden and I were perfect until Aunt Amanda's dinner. He stopped talking to me afterwards and it felt horrible. I tried to talk to him but he ignored me everytime, so I stopped trying. Then I found out that Angela is the one who hurt me during the competition. I don't know why but she just hates me. I didn't even know her before all this, but somehow she want to kill me. You know what? I don't even know what to think."

I picked up a stick and started drawing in the sand.

"Well to lighten up the mood a little... Aiden told me he liked me. Like 'like like' me. I was so happy when he told me but now I'm very confused. If we started dating would it work? I'm going back to Westwood tomorrow. Long distance relationships normally don't last. And I don't know, what if we broke up? Our friendship would never be the same, I might even lose him completely. Then there is not dating and behaving like nothing happened this Christmas. I don't think I can do that. Watching him going out with other girls, it would hurt... a lot. Mum what should I do?"

I placed my head in my palms and sighed. Life is so stress full.

"I should get going. I decided to spend next summer here. Maybe spring break too. Hopefully I'll see you soon. I really miss you a lot. Love you mum." I blew her a kiss. I got up and brushed off the dirt on my dress. Before I walked away I turned to look at her for the last and smiled.

As I walked out, I saw the old man and little girl standing beside another grave and crying. I walked as quietly as I could not to disturb them.


Instead of ordering an uber back to the house as I usually do, I decided to go for walk. I wore my earpiece and played Supermarket flowers by Ed Sheeran. I placed the song on repeat and kept walking. I was paying attention to the lyrics of the song.

I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill
I threw the day old tea from the cup
Packed up the photo album Matthew had made
Memories of a life that's been loved
Took the get well soon cards and stuffed animals
Poured the old ginger beer down the sink
Dad always told me, "Don't you cry when you're down"
But mum, there's a tear every time that I blink

Oh I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up, but I know
A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved

So I'll sing Hallelujah
You were an angel in the shape of my mum
When I fell down you'd be there holding me up
Spread your wings as you go
And when God takes you back we'll say Hallelujah
You're home

Fluffed the pillows, made the beds, stacked the chairs up
Folded your nightgowns neatly in a case
John says he'd drive then put his hand on my cheek
And wiped a tear from the side of my face

I hope that I see the world as you did 'cause I know
A life with love is a life that's been lived

So I'll sing Hallelujah
You were an angel in the shape of my mum
When I fell down you'd be there holding me up
Spread your wings as you go
And when God takes you back we'll say Hallelujah
You're home

You were an angel in the shape of my mum
You got to see the person I have become
Spread your wings and I know
That when God took you back he said Hallelujah
You're home

The song repeated several times and before I realised I was in tears. I stopped walking to catch my breath as the tears flowed. I looked around and when I realised where I was my heart dropped.

The one place I had tried my best to stay away from. The cliff. The same cliff my mum fell off. Just like that the memories came flashing back. The doll, the screams.. the never ending tears. It was almost six and the sun was setting. My legs were too tired to walk again. The rest of my body emotionally tired. I sat on the ground and the rest of the tears flowed.

I was snapped back into reality a few minutes later by the sound of bushes moving. I got up immediately, "Who is there?" I was no response. I walked closer, "I'll called the police if you don't come out."

A figur jumped out and I went back frightened. "Samantha, I really need to speak with you." I looked up and saw Angela. She looked more frightened than I did. "Why would I want to talk to you?," I asked her confused. "Look I wasn't the one who tried to hurt you. The person's real plan was to kill you. You have to listen to me."

"Who? Who would want to kill me?," I asked. She was about to say something when she feel on the floor. "Angela!" I saw blood. Beside her there was a stone with blood. I froze. "Aww," a familiar voice said.

I turned and saw her. Someone I trusted. Someone I had grown to trust. "I couldn't let her tell my story, could I?," she smiled sweetly. All I saw was red.




Cliffhanger. Sorry guys.

Anyway, who do you think it is.

Leave your suspects below.

Love y'all,


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