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"And he's off! Spencer James is running down the field!" The announcer yells onto the mic as he and many others are showing excitement and energy during one of Spencer's biggest games. Spencer's wife, Sydney and his two best friends, Olivia and Jordan are sitting on the stands supporting him. They cheer for him.

"Woo! Go baby!" Sydney yells out.

"Woo! Go Spencer!" Olivia yells out.

They yell in unison. They look at each other, laughing.

Sydney and Olivia have been best friends since college. They met during a random study session and ever since that they've had their first conversation, they have been inseparable. Olivia, Jordan and Spencer are childhood friends. They have been since elementary school. They have been through it all. Good and bad times. But they had each other and that's all they needed.

Olivia and Spencer grew feelings for each other once they were in high school. But a lot of things were in the way, making their romantic relationship complicated. They eventually agreed to stay friends and support each other for the time being. But when they was ready, they would be ready. At least that's what Spencer promised Liv. But that promise was broken.

Ironically, they, including Sydney, went to the same college in LA. Even though they were studying different majors, they all still had the time to be together. Sydney caught Spencer's eyes during a college game. After he played, he took the confidence in himself to talk to her. They got to know each other and they eventually dated. When Sydney broke the news to Olivia, she, on the inside, felt heartbroken. Spencer promised her that they would be together when the time was right but at that moment, Liv knew that the promise was long gone. She would hardly accept that he moved on. Or did he?

Olivia was a little jealous of Spencer and Sydney's relationship. Even though she felt it, she didn't show it. She wanted to support her friend but at the same time, her own feelings towards Spencer took a toll on her. She didn't want that to reflect on her relationship with Sydney. So she decided that she needed someone in her romantic life.

One day, Olivia met Dante Sims, a football player who was on the same college team as Spencer. Spencer and Dante were good friends. They've hung out from time to time. Liv went to get coffee and accidentally bumped into Dante while she was leaving. They said sorry to each other, Dante cleaned her outfit, one thing led to another and now they are married.

Sydney and Spencer and Liv and Dante all got married as soon as they graduated college. After their weddings, Spencer and Dante coincidentally were signed onto the same football team, The LA Rams.

So far, it's been one year into their marriages and Spencer and Liv were going strong with their spouses. Olivia stopped having feelings for Spencer while Spencer had a different story. He had that feeling of loving Sydney, but not being in love with her. Spencer honestly didn't know why he had this feeling. Maybe his love for Olivia came back? He didn't know. He wouldn't lie and say that he hasn't snooped on Liv and Dante's relationship for a few years now. But honestly, he didn't want to break Sydney or Dante's hearts. So, he decided to try his best to make sure that he is in love with Sydney.

"You guys are so eager for him! It's insane!" Jordan yells out. Olivia gives him a look. "Oh shut up, you're just mad that you don't have someone you could support!" Jordan sticks his tongue out at Liv, with Liv doing it back.

Jordan is Olivia's brother and Spencer's backbone. He would be the goofy, caring, clumsy and sometimes foolish one out of the group. But other than that, he would have a good heart. He would always make sure everyone is ok. He would make everyone feel better whenever they would have problems or just simply feeling down. He would always be there for Liv and Spencer. Jordan is not dating anyone currently. He is currently just living his life.

He is a football player. But he plays for another team in LA. He was able to have the day off to support Spencer.

Spencer is running down the field with the football. "He's making it... he's making it..." One of the announcers saids. Spencer runs down, making the touchdown. The crowd cheers as they celebrate another touchdown. "And that right there, is another touchdown, made by the one and only Spencer James. Oh man! We love this dude!" Spencer throws the football, doing a funny victory dance.

He screams in victory. "Ah!" Dante runs to him, dabbing him up. "Let's go dog! That's my boy!" Spencer laughs as they run back to the players. He huddles against an opponent across from him. "Don't be celebrating too long!" Spencer's opponent says. Spencer scoffs. "Oh yeah, what you're going to do if I gets this dub homeboy?" The opponent says nothing. "Exactly what I thought. Now sit back and watch me work!" Just then, the whistle blows out.

Dante sets hut with the football and the players run off. Spencer runs around a player, attempting to run down the field. Dante sees Spencer and throws the ball to him. Spencer catches it and runs down to the end zone.

"What an amazing catch from Spencer James! Oh the Rams winning looks to appear very possible ladies and gentleman!" One of the announcers says.

Spencer is running... and running... and running...

The anticipation of the touchdown is on everyone's minds. Olivia, Sydney and Jordan are all focused on Spencer. Especially Olivia. She looks at him with dreamy eyes.

"You got this baby!" Olivia thought. She then shakes her head, not meaning to think about that. "Wait, baby?"

Spencer is almost at the end zone when suddenly...

An opponent knocks him down hard on the ground, making Spencer land on his shoulder. Spencer felt a crack on his shoulder. He already knew something was wrong. He aches in pain as he sees who knocked him down. It was the player he was talking to earlier. "Oops, look like you won't be celebrating. Better luck next time James!" The opponent then runs off, leaving Spencer in pain. Spencer holds his shoulder, aching.

The crowd is shocked, speechless at what just occurred. Spencer James, one of Rams best players, is down on the ground. Liv, Sydney and Jordan all had worry on their faces as they witnessing something unexpected. They was honestly confused.

"I can't believe this. I mean.. we've seen Spencer take hard hits before but never something this brutal..." Jordan saids, worried. "Yeah." Sydney and Liv say in unison. Dante takes off his helmet and runs to Spencer, worried. He kneels down.

"You alright man?" Dante asks. Spencer nods, even though he is in pain. "Yeah, I just took a hard hit, that's all. I'm good man. Promise." Dante nods and helps him up but as soon as Spencer gets up, he feels excruciating pain on his shoulder. He kneels down. "Ah shit!" Spencer yells out. Dante sighs. "Ok, that's it. You're not ok man!" Dante signals the medic to come over to check on Spencer.

The medic comes through and checks on Spencer. They feel on his shoulder. Spencer aches in pain. The medic sighs. "Is not so good. You have to sit out." Spencer is shocked. He didn't expect to hear this response. Spencer begs to play again. "No, please, we have a few seconds left from a win. Please let me back in. I can play. See?" Spencer gets up and moves his shoulder, but aches again in pain, holding his shoulder. The medic holds him, basically dragging him out of the field. They walk off to go to the medic room.

Everyone sees Spencer walking off the field. They look down in sadness. They all feel bad for Spencer. Especially his loved ones. Spencer was the most devastated. He didn't want this to happen to him. Especially on one of his biggest games

------------------TIME SKIP-----------------

Two weeks goes by since the painful injury Spencer has succumbed. Since the doctor told him that he possibly had the chance of not playing for the entire season, he has been devastated. He has gotten surgery on his shoulder so it was hard for him to move his arm. Sydney, Liv, Dante and Jordan have been helping him with things ever since they have heard the news. They have helped him with lifting, carrying, clothing, food, etc. Even though Spencer kept saying he didn't need the help and that he was fine, he needed the help. He was just too sad to admit it. At this point, Spencer just hoped that a miracle came by and that he was able to play again. But little did he know that...

his miracle was close by.


Ooh yeah. This first chapter is eating, me thinks. I hope you guys enjoy this book!

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