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Three days have gone by since the incident in the locker room. Although everyone wanted to move on and forget what happened, it was very hard not to.



"Oh my god, Olivia!" Spencer yells out, immediately holding her and her stomach. Liv was crying. She was worried for their daughter.

"Ow! Oh...my...god... my baby...." Liv cries out. She then groans in pain. Spencer, Jordan and Simone help her up, comforting her. "It's ok, baby. As soon as we're out of here, we're going to the hospital..."

Sydney hears this and aims the gun at the group again. "No one is going anywhere! No one!" She yells out. Everyone gets spooked but Spencer. He gets upset, worrying about Liv.

"Dammit, Sydney! Do you not realize that Liv is fucking pregnant? You just punched our baby! She needs our help! We're fucking leaving! Let's go!" Spencer commands everyone to leave but Sydney shoots the door, making everyone back up.

They realize that they had no choice but to stay and do or listen to whatever she saids in order for them to leave and go to the hospital

Spencer was holding Liv, protecting her and his daughter, who will hopefully be ok.

"See? Now, I didn't want to do this but you made me. You both made me be this way!" Sydney saids, aiming it at Dante and Liv, who is still in pain from the punch.

"Every day, I try to achieve my goal of getting what I want! Getting the life I want! The man I want! But, it's always something or someone else being in the way! But the truth is, no one wants me! No one wants to be with me! No one cares about my existence! And... you know what...

"I understand..." She then unexpectedly does the unexpected.

She aims the gun at her head, clicking the gun to make sure a bullet would hit her in her dome.

Dante steps up, trying to stop her. "Sydney come on, put the gun down, ok? We can fix this, ok? Just come with me and we could talk! You don't have to hold all of us hostage. You have a problem with me? Fine. But don't include them! They have nothing to do with us. They moved on, ok? They're living their lives.

"And one is about to live with them..." Sydney looks at Liv's pregnant belly. She starts to change her mood. Dante is slowly walking up to her as he is trying to stop her.

"Please, Sydney... put the gun down and let them go... please..."

Sydney started to sob, now feeling bad about what she has done.

"Oh god! Liv... I.... your baby... I.... I didn't mean...." Liv sighs.

"Syd, just put the gun down. You don't have to do this. You can leave and that way, you can get all the help you need..." Liv saids, trying to find a way out of the situation. Sydney sobbingly shakes her head, refusing. She holds the gun back up to her head. She tearfully laughs, while Dante is just inches away from her.

"I am one crazy bitch! And honestly, I don't know how to fix myself. I basically hurt everyone around me and I can't fix it. I make everyone mad with me. I make everyone disappointed in me. I make everyone...

"Want me dead..." She clicks the gun again.

"No!" Dante yells out.

She then pulls the trigger...

With the bullet hitting the ceiling.

Dante eventually gets to her, fighting with Sydney, to grab the gun.

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