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It's game day and everybody was getting ready. Dante left early to get ready so Liv was alone in the house. 

She paces around the room, anxious of a few things. One of them was seeing Spencer again. 

"Ok, Liv. It's no big deal. You're seeing Spencer again after two whole months. Try to breathe and stay calm. Just say sorry for the things you've said, and let him say sorry for the things he've said, and then boom, you're friends again..." She saids, talking to herself. 

"You get to be... friends again..." Liv smiles, thinking about the outcome. This feeling, of excitement, is making her realize something but she hasn't admitted yet. 

Oh my god, you're getting butterflies in your stomach... It's obvious you miss your man..." Liv's inner voice says. Olivia scoffs in denial. "Please, he's not my man and I don't miss him that much..." Olivia replies back. 

"Please, that smile proves it all. Even though you're not saying it, your actions prove that you're falling for him again." Liv looks around, shy. She deeply sighs, knowing that it was true. And that she couldn't hold it in anymore. 

"So what if I am? It won't matter anyway. He's not even my husband..." She sits on the bed, putting her head down. 

"He's not right now. But this game is your chance to change that..." Olivia was confused. "What do you mean?" 

"You know what I mean.. and it's about time you do..." Olivia thinks about it for a second before widening her eyes, realizing what she had to do. She gets up from the bed, pacing back and forth again. 

"Oh no! No! Hell no! There's no way I'm having THAT conversation with him!" 

Her inner voice scoffs in laughter. "Why the hell not?"

"Don't you get it?! Spencer is with Sydney. It's been two months! I'm pretty sure he's gotten over me at this point!..."

"Please, that man don't want her. He wants you. You just need to have faith in him and in yourself..." Liv stays silent. The inner voice continues. 

"It's time that you stop bottling up your feelings about each other. Stop hurting yourselves and your spouses. Stop forcing yourselves to be in loveless marriages!..." Olivia sighs, still being silent. 

Look... I know... you both don't want to hurt anyone. But you know it's going to happen sooner or later! Stop thinking about other people and think about your guys' happiness... yes it's selfish but when it comes to what you want, does it become a bad thing?..." 

Olivia stays silent, really thinking about her inner voice's advice. 

"Overall, you're going to this game, knowing your heart is trying to tell you to go after your real true love. So, you can go after what you want and finally be happy or you could sit back, still lie to your husband who, by the way, you don't even love, and still be in a worthless marriage..."

"It's your choice at the end at the day... so... make a good one..."

Olivia nods, understanding the hard decision she had to finally make. "I will..." It's all saids before she grabs her eyes and heads to the game, not realizing that something surprising is going to come her way.


Spencer and Sydney were in the car, on the way to the game. Sydney looks at him from the passenger seat, noticing that he looks a bit nervous. She chuckles. 

"Damn, you're really having butterflies in your stomach all because of Liv?" Spencer quickly glances at her before looking back at the road. He scoffs in denial. "What? Liv? Please? I'm just... nervous about the game, that's all." Sydney knew that was bullshit. 

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