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Spencer and Sydney arrive at the house immediately after hearing what happened to Liv. Spencer was the most furious. To think that someone would actually almost rape and beat her is just... disgusting. Spencer and Sydney open the door, running to Jordan and Simone.

"Where is she?!" Spencer asks pissed but worried at the same time.

"She's in the bathroom. We told her to take a bubble bath to let her breathe, calm down and clean up. But you can walk in there and talk to her. We'll be out here to talk." Simone saids. Spencer nods and walks to the bathroom.

Olivia was crying, her body soaking in the tub as she is being cleansed from the brutal beat down Dante gave her. The amount of pain she felt. The amount of hurt she felt. She just felt broken. She wanted to let it out. And she did. She was sobbing when Spencer walked in.

"Ahh!" Olivia cries out. Spencer slowly walks in, taking off his jacket.

"Hey, hey.. Liv... baby..." Spencer saids, kneeling down, holding her hand. Olivia stops crying and looks at him.


"Spencer...?" Liv sobbingly asks. Spencer softly smiles, still holding onto her hand.

"Yeah, it's me. Jordan told me you were hurt so I came as fast as I could." Liv looks at him, happy but scared at the same time. Although she is relieved and grateful that her true love is at her side right now, part of her still feels that Dante is still after her, making her more afraid. She panics, thinking about Dante. She starts to breathe heavily. Spencer notices.

"Hey... hey... Liv... it's ok. It's ok baby. Just look at me babe. Breathe." Liv looks at him, still panicking, leaving Spencer confused. He didn't know the reason why she was hurt as Jordan didn't tell the whole story. Liv knew.

"Wait... you don't know the whole story do you? Of why was I hurt and who did this?" Liv asks, calming down. Spencer shakes his head.

"No, I got a call saying that you was hurt and to come over here, so what happened?" Spencer asks, worried. Liv cries again, thinking back to those few hours.

"Oh god! No! No! no... no..." Liv cries out, moving around in the tub, making water. Spencer calms her, starting to get defensive.

"Olivia, I know you're scared right now but you have to tell me what's wrong or else I won't understand. What happened? Who hurt you?" Liv stops panicking, taking a deep breath. She stares into Spencer's eyes, who were filled with worry. Liv starts to explain what happened.

"It was Dante. He beat me..." That's all Spencer needed to hear but he started to get up, livid. Liv stops him. She painfully reaches for his arm. She groans in pain. "Wait... ugh!" Spencer heard Liv in pain and stopped to kneel back down. A tear falls down on Liv's face as she explains more. "Please.. just... let me explain..." She tearfully saids, since she's in pain. Spencer nods, willing to listen.

"It was earlier today. He was upset after he lost the game. I told him that it was going to be ok but that's when something else clicked in him. He suddenly asked me if I loved you..." Spencer's face turned into shock. He didn't expect that coming from Liv. "What...?" He asks softly.

"He... asked me if I loved you...which I do by the way..." She finally confesses. Spencer is still in shock. He doesn't know what to say. Liv keeps going.

"Yeah. You heard it here first Spencer James, I do still have feelings for you. And they never stopped. But I'll confess to you later. But for now, I have to finish the story, so bare with me? Spencer?" Spencer snaps out of the trance, shaking his head.

"Huh, uh yeah.. finish the story..." Liv chuckles at his cuteness.

"In that moment, I tried to deny, only because I didn't want him to make him more upset or heartbroken, but he was already upset at that point, well... except for being heartbroken. Anyway, I tried to explain that it wasn't true but he didn't believe me. He pointed out the stares me and you give each other and the dreams I've been having about you. He heard the moans I've been making, calling out your name..." Spencer was surprised. He didn't know that she was having the same dreams as he was. He felt great about that.

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