Babysitters Part 2

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This is what I  decided she looks like 🥺👍

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This is what I  decided she looks like 🥺👍

1 year later ( I was his kid duh)

I was running through the house with a pacifier in my mouth as I bothered literally everyone.  As I ran to the living room I spotted Ran who was sitting on the couch reading. So I went up to him and made grabby hands so that he would pick me up onto the couch. " Princess you're up," he said in a baby voice but I ignored him and tried to hide behind him as an angry Rin came into the living room. " What's wrong Rin" Ran said as Rin came to me and picked me up. " Princess hide my gun from me," he said.

Ran looked mad " You left your gun out, princess could have gotten hurt" "don't worry it wasn't loaded" "That still doesn't make it any better Rin". I knew at that moment I was going to get 'time out' for this one so I wiggled out of Rin's grip and ran to Ran crying like I was scared. He then lifted me to him and hugged me while glaring at Rin. ' No 'time out' for me ' I thought. As Ran was trying to comfort his sobbing daughter. Rin then squatted by me and said " princess I'm not mad I was just worried" as he patted my head.  'Fine I'll make peace with you' I thought as I made grabby hands at Rin to pick me up which he gladly did as he sat on the couch. Ran still looked man but that quickly faded as they started  talking about a new mission for work. They then started talking about getting someone to watch me while they were away which peaked my interest. But then the Ran put murder mystery on the tv and I was distracted again.

1 day later

I was on the couch while Ran was cuddling me and pouting about having to leave me for a day. Rin on the other hand was making my lunch and listening to his brothers non stop complaining. " What if princess forgets about me then what would I do" to which Rin responded with " Its literally not even a whole day I think she will remember" Rin then grabbed me from Ran and sat at the kitchen table with me as he feed me my lunch. " but those three lunatics are going to be watching her and what if they forget something or accidentally leave her somewhere" " I think they will be fine princess is easy to take care of" Rin said but Ran just looked at me with a concerned look as I was happily shoveling food into my mouth . He then frond at the thought of leaving his precious daughter with crazy people. When I had finished shoving food in my mouth Rin cleaned me off and  handed me to Ran who took me to my bedroom for a nap. But today was weird because usually I take my naps in Ran's room with him but today I was in my own room. Ran then sat on the rocking chair and rocked me to sleep which I happily fell asleep because being a baby is tiring.

As I was sleeping peacefully memories from my previous life kept coming to me. The torture of that life and the hate everyone felt for me. I abruptly woke up from that nightmare in a cold sweat. As I started to cry loudly hoping to get Ran to come back and comfort me but when the door opened it wasn't Ran. It was a tall man with a scar across his face and a blind eye. He then came up to me and carried me out of the crib witch pissed me off because I don't know who the fuck this is. I tried to kick him away from me but it didn't work. He then began walking to the living room where two other men where seated on the couch. One had long white hair, and the other a pink mullet and scars on the sides of his mouth. I was still crying as the man that was holding me sat with me on the couch with his hand patting my head like a dog or something. ' Is this how you comfort a crying child' I thought sarcastically. " why is she still crying" he asked the others but only received a shrug as a reply. The pink haired man turned to me and wiggled a bottle of pills in front of me hoping it would shut me up. And it worked I was shook that someone was giving a pill bottle to a baby as I took it from his hand a rattled it. " Sanzu you can't give a pill bottle to a 1 year old" The man with long white hair said To which Sanzu replied with " But she loves it, It's basically like a rattle." The white hair man took the pills out of my hands and gave them back to Sanzu. " what the fuck are you doing your going to piss her off again Koko" Sanzu said. Then I being the trouble maker child decided on what my first word should be so I took out my pacifier and with a happy toon said "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck".

All three of them turned and looked at me as the man with the scar began bragged Sanzu out of the room and started beating him.

So it was just me and Koko still in the living room as he took my hands and made me face him " we don't say fuck that a bad world it's not nice" he said in a baby voice. To witch I nodded and put my pacifier back in my mouth. I got bored so I crawled down the couch and grabbed he tv remote to give to Koko. I wanted to watch something he did put a shoe on but he changed it to some cheesy baby show which I hated but had to deal with because there was nothing else to do but watch tv. So I went back on the couch and sat on Koko's lap and began to watch the tv show with him.

Then Sanzu and scar man came back in the room and sat down by me and Koko. " the Haitani brothers are going to kill us" scar man said "calm down Kakucho whats the worst that could happen" Sanzu said. "Be quiet Sanzu you're just high"Koko said as I was watching the movie. "Let me hold her its my turn" Sanzu said as he began to pout. " Sanzu you already are a bad influence why would we let you get closer to her" Kakucho said. "Thats not fair both of you had held her why not me" "because we didn't hand her a bottle of pills and teach her to curse" Koko said. To which Sanzu had no response to.

The rest of the day was pretty boring until it was my bed time. I wasn't having it, I did not wan't to sleep. They tried just putting me in my crib and leaving the room so that I would just tire myself out but I just through out all my blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals in my crib onto floor and jumped making it brake my fall. I then ran out of the room and went to Ran's room hoping I could just sleep in his room because I didn't like being alone. As I opened the door and saw the empty room and remembered him and Rin weren't home.I got scared that they weren't going to come back just like everyone else that left me. I started panicking at the thought of me being alone again. Koko had then grabbed me and started to go back to my room. I started crying as Koko sat in the rocking chair in my room and started rocking me to sleep.

Author notes 📝
I honestly didn't know where I was going in this 🤦🏼‍♀️ if you hate I understand it's a little all over the place
But still hope you liked it 😁💀

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