Part 19

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1 month later

You were sitting on the couch watching tv. That's when Ran came into the room into the room with a large shopping bag.

"Y/n I got a surprise!!" Ran said

It peaked your interest so you ran over to him trying to see what was in the bag.

"What is it" you said excited

"Ok go sit down then I'll let you open it" he said

So you sat on the couch and Ran gave you the bag. You opened it eager to see what it was but your excited experience turned into a confused one.

"A back pack?" You said

Ran's expression got nervous.

"Surprise, your going to be starting preschool next week" he said still nervous about your reaction.

silence took over for a while as Ran waited for you to say something.

Tears started to come out of your eyes

"Your trying to leave me at school" you cried

As you cried Sanzu walked in and saw you crying and Ran frozen in panicking.

As you saw Sanzu you ran to him still crying.

"Dada is trying to get rid of me Sanzu" you said as he picked you up

He smirked
"Ran how could you, don't worry Y/n" Sanzu said

Before Ran could say anything Sanzu ran out of the house with you and drove off.

(Sanzu choose to piss people off today 😂)

He ended up taking you to Bonten head quarters. As he got you out of the car you saw Koko and Rindo.

Rindo who spotted you went to you and Sanzu.

"What are you doing with y/n have you forgot your not allowed to watch her anymore" Rindo said trying to grab you from Sanzu.

"No" you squealed when Rindo try to take you from Sanzu

He was shocked to say the lease. As Koko looked confused, and Sanzu was grinning.

"Y/n why don't you want to go with me" Rindo said sounding hurt

" you going to make me go to school" you yelled

"What's wrong with going to school" Rindo said

You didn't really know the reason why you were upset you just didn't want to go. But you couldn't let them know that.

"Y'all just want to abandon me" you said making Rindo look hurt.

You puffed up your cheeks and turned your head away from Rindo.

That's when a tired looking guy with white hair came into the room along with Kakucho.

It confused you who the guy by Kakucho was. That's when he walked up to you and Sanzu and handed you a dorayaki. Of course you took it because who would turn down free food.

"Thank you mister" you said as you stuffed your face.

"Your welcome, my name is Mikey what's your's" he knew who you were but asked anyways

"My name is Y/n Haitani" you said happily

"Why are you upset" he said while bribing you with another dorayaki to get you to tell him. (It worked )

"Because Fuck school" you said (first word made a comeback 🤣)

Mikey looked stunned by you cursing as Sanzu chuckled.

"Yea fuck school" Sanzu said happily as Rindo gave him a 'I'm going to kill you' glare.

Mikey ignored him

"Do you want to be dumb?" Mikey asked

"No" you said

"But if you don't go to school then you'll be dumb like Sanzu " he said

It made sence now Ran didn't want you to be dumb Sanzu

"Ok I'll go" you said looking defeated

Sanzu looked hurt by Mikey saying he was dumb made you want to go to school.

Authors notes 📝

Thank you for the idea @Ae-nnah

Hope you liked the chapter 😊

Question ?Which one of the Kawata twins is your favorite?

(Mine is Souya aka Angry)

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