Part One.

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"Relax. You're going to be fine." Celeste assured me.

"You haven't been counting down the days till this interview Celeste! I'm freaking the fuck out." I grumble out in self pity.

I mean I had it marked on my calendar and crossed off the days till the interview. The most important interview of my life. As a design major being interviewed by one of the most rich CEO's in the country.

"Scarlet, you are the baddest, smartest, and most beautiful woman on the planet. So start acting like it."

"I'm hardly-"

"Scarlet if you don't shut the fuck up and listen to me . . ." She grabs my favorite shoes and a lighter.

"I will burn your favorite shoes."

I gasp at her. "You wouldn't."

"Oh I definitely would." She lights the lighter and brings it closer to the heel.

"OKAY! I get it I'll listen." I beg, as she releases the flame and sets down my shoe.

"That's more like it. Now you're going to get up off the floor and brush your hair and look bomb as fuck for this interview. And when you get the job we'll celebrate with lots of tequila!" She demanded.

I did as she said, brushed out my hair and straightened it. I put minimal makeup on besides my dark red lipstick (Celeste likes to call it my signature). I put on a black pencil skirt, a dark red button up, a dainty gold necklace, and gold stud earrings.

I did look amazing. I looked like myself again. I smiled at myself as I walked out of the bathroom. I saw Celeste cooking up some toast for breakfast. "So, how do I look?" I challenge.

Her jaw drops as she eyes me down. "Baby, you're making me question my sexuality right now." She jokes.

I wink at her as I grabbed a piece of toast out of her hand. "Wish me luck!" I shouted as walked out of the front door.

I would be lying if I said I'm not shitting my pants as much as I was earlier. But it's different. I studied four years for this, pulled several all nighters, and dreamed of this. I earned this and I haven't even done the interview.

I took a deep breath as I stepped out of my car and I let go. I still had that anxiety and jitters but I'm pushing it back with my pride.

The building is so much taller in person . . .

I push past my thoughts and walk in. It's not long till I feel eyes on me.

"Hello, I'm here for an interview." I announced.

"Full name?" The receptionist asks.

"Scarlet Parker." I reply.

"Mr. Williams is on floor twelve, go straight until you reach the end and knock on the door. Do not by any means enter without knocking."

"Got it." I said as I walked to the elevator. It was almost full but there was a small space for me. Thankfully, a nice woman held the door open for me.  I went to press the twelfth button but it was already pressed so I waited patiently till I reached my floor.

Before I knew it, I was in front of the door and knocking on it. I can do this. The door is pulled open and I straighten my posture.

The man revealed behind the door is far younger than I predicted. Gorgeous, with deep brown eyes and jet black hair. But somehow he looked disheveled and definitely surprised to see me. His tie was out of place and his hair messy. There was a large red mark on his neck. Was he-

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