Part Seven.

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When I wake up I immediately groan from the sunlight hitting my face. I sit up and realize I had a hangover. I fake cried and flopped back onto my bed.

When I motivate myself to get up, I dress in basic slacks and a white button up. I put my hair up with my clip and wash my face. I decided against makeup and put on some moisturizer. I slipped on some comfy black flats and a dark red bracelet.

I cook up some coffee in the kitchen and make myself some toast. After I ate and finished my coffee I brushed my teeth. I knocked on Celestes door to find no one inside. Hm . . . weird.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the door. Traffic was heavy today and I realized I was most likely going to be late. After twenty minutes of sitting in traffic I hear a ding from my phone. Since I was at a stopping point, I opened my notifications. It was a text from a number I've never seen before.

Ms. Parker is there a reason you're late today?

It was Mr.Williams. I groaned and gripped the steering wheel harder. I texted back:

Yes, stuck in heavy traffic :(

After an additional ten minutes, I finally made it to the office. I rushed into his office and apologized for the inconvenience. "How can I assist you Mr. Williams?" He didn't look up at me only stayed silent.

"Yes, I have more blueprints. I trust that you'll keep most of the main ideas, yes?" He answered.

"Yes sir."

I take the blueprints back to my office and review them. Once again exceeding my expectations with how terrible they are. I do my daily tasks and then get started on sketching.

I started to hear trickling on the roof and realized I left my umbrella. "Fuck." I breathed.

The building began shaking from how close the lightning was. I had a terrible fear of storms. I tried to remain calm and regulate my breathing.

Mr. Williams came to check up on the blueprints. My leg was bouncing from anxiety and I began picking at my nails. "Are you . . . okay?" He asked.

"Just fine." I lied.

"You're tense." He obviously pointed out.

"Why do you care?" I defended.

"I don't." He brought cold exterior back up. However he didn't walk out or say goodbye. He just stood there watching me. As much as I wouldn't like to admit, his company was comforting.

Eventually time passed and it was time to leave. I picked up my things and he followed me. I stood at the front doors for a while before I tried to open them. I was stopped by Mr.Williams as he stepped out in front of me. I guess ladies don't come first then?

He pulled out an umbrella from his coat and motioned for me to come closer. It was a relatively small umbrella so I had to remain close to him. His cologne was intoxicating. I decided on wrapping my arm around his to stay close to him. My skin heated at the contact, my body was going crazy. I didn't even notice there was a storm around us.

We get to my car and he helps me inside. "Thank you Mr. Williams." He finally looks at me for a while before responding.

"You're very welcome Scarlet. Have a good night." He replied closing my door gently. My body responds to it, his deep voice igniting the butterflies in my stomach. I don't think I've ever even payed attention to how someone says my name or their voice. As infuriatingly attractive he is, I will not bow down to him. I respect professionalism and I will not become one of his pansy's that pleases him in his office.

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