Part Eight.

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It's been a month since the incident. Asher hasn't left me alone since. I think he's just overprotective over his workers.

That night he stayed with me the entire time. He slept beside me, made sure I was okay in the morning and even went to the police station with me.  It's all . . . overwhelming. I'm getting through it but my nightmares have come back. I often wake up screaming, covered in sweat and tears.

I've set up a few more meetings with my therapist than usual. I'm taking more medication than normal too. All in all I'm getting over it,  just . . . slowly.

In these situations I miss my parents hugs. I miss fighting with them. I miss just seeing them. Their bone crushing hugs I used to complain about. It's ironic that I would do anything just to feel that again.

"Hey, remember there's a meeting today at two." Mr. Williams reminded me. I groaned and put my head in my hands.


He nodded in response and walked out of the room. Work is flowing nicely now and I finally have a routine. I've had small talk with some of my coworkers and most of them are really kind. Some of the women give me weird looks but I choose to ignore it. I think they're jealous because I work with Mr.Williams more than anyone. But that's ridiculous because I've already made it clear that I'm extremely professional.

Even if he witnessed something that was extremely. . . personal. Our relationship is closer now and he checks up on me a lot but it's just because he probably doesn't want his employee to have a breakdown. Purely platonic.

I finish up my work and check the time. It was 1:53 PM. I quickly grabbed my things and went into the conference room. We discussed partnerships with other companies. Towards the end Asher discussed partnering with a surfing company.

"Beachfront surfboards is conducting a project in creating a man made sandbar at Bridleton beach to attract customers. They're a very widespread surfing company but most of their productivity has dropped. I will be taking a trip with a small group of our workers and we will have a meeting with them."

He began listing who was going and my name was the first. "Scarlet will put together who will be rooming with who in the hotel." He makes eye contact and I nodded.

"If you have any requests on who to room with please come see me." I announced.

He went on to discuss minor details and then ended the meeting. I wasn't even in my office before I saw people waiting outside of it. I walk inside and signal them to sit down at the chair in front of my desk. After a little there was even a line.

It was going smoothly to say the least. I hadn't thought about who I was rooming with but I honestly didn't care. As long as everyone is happy, I will be too. It was getting late and I was packing up to leave. My coworker Belle slipped in quietly.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'm sorry if I'm too late but I'd like to room with Kelly from HR. I've already talked to her about it so we agreed." Okay well if I switch up the names the only way that would work is if I room with Mr. Williams.

I took a deep breath and smiled at her. "Sure Belle. It's not a problem." I responded.

It doesn't help that I've been trying to avoid him since he took me to the police. Curse you universe. She left shortly after and I was on my way out getting into the elevator alone. The door was stopped by a large hand.

The door slowly opens and reveals Mr. Williams. "Hi." I breathed out. I hate pushing people away but I didn't want to bother my boss with my personal problems. "Hello Scarlet." My face tinges pink but I covered it with my hair hanging in my face.

"Avoiding me won't solve your problems."

"I-I wasn't-" He took a step towards me and made eye contact.

"You don't need to lie. I promise that you're not a burden. You are my employee so it is my job to see that you are okay." He touched my arm while looking into my eyes. My skin stood on end and I most likely looked like a tomato. He smirked and my heart stuttered. The elevator door opened and Asher put his hand on the small of my back to gently push me forward.

My body was haywire. I tried to remain neutral but I was freaking out over someone touching my arm. I've been with a significant amount of men and women yet this feels so different. I have to remind myself that he's my boss and I cool down.

When we get to my car I remember I have to tell him something. "I tried to organize the rooming very well and you can totally change rooms if you want to, but it ended up only working if you and me . . . are in the same hotel room." He blinks a little more than usual and steps forward. He pats my shoulder and . . . smiles? Where are these emotions coming from?

"It's okay Scarlet. I think I'd rather room with you than anyone else in the office." He admitted.

"What?" I ask confused why he would want to room with me.

"You're professional. Most of the employees I'm bringing are women and a lot of them may try something inappropriate." Oh. I remove my eyes from his and settle myself into my car.

"Of course I would never want to make you uncomfortable." I gave the most believable smile I could.

"Goodnight Asher." His eyes looked odd, filled with an emotion I've never seen on him before. He took a deep breath and gave me a weak smile.

"Have a good night Ms. Parker."

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