Part ten.

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TW - RAPE and MATURE content


His hands traveled my body, leaving marks all over me whether they were bruises or hickeys it didn't matter. He claimed me and said I was his. But I didn't feel like I was his because I was stolen.

"You're so tight." My skin bled from the grip he had on my shoulders. I laid limp on the floor waiting for him to just get it over with. He slapped and grabbed my ass hard enough that it bruised.

He continued to thrust inside of me forcefully taking my innocence as his to keep. The pain was too much to handle and I would lose consciousness in between.

"Why don't you put in a little effort babe?" He asked grabbing my throat. I cried out in pain as I rode through a humiliating orgasm.

He eventually finished and he collapsed on top of me. The crushing pain was too much so I just started to scream. I screamed as loud as I could until I lost my voice.

"SCARLET!" I quickly open my eyes and my consciousness regains. I'm covered in sweat and tears. Asher is above me looking extremely worried. It's all too much. I started to sob uncontrollably.

"I can't-I-I-" I stuttered but I couldn't speak. He reached out his hand to comfort me with his touch.

"No please don't touch me!" I curled up into a ball and tried to regulate my breathing. Everything was hurting terribly.

"I'm sorry for reacting like that. I can't explain why I get night terrors but they happen. Especially now that things have . . . resurfaced."

"You were screaming at the top of your lungs. Does this happen often?" He asked and I nodded in response. It happens every time I sleep. I can't tell him it's the reason I basically have insomnia he might question my work ethic.

"So when you said it doesn't effect your daily life you really meant it." I don't think he was talking to me in this moment. I feel that he was sort of reflecting it to himself. 

"You're the most beautiful person I've ever met." He blurted, he didn't mean to say it but his shocked expression changed to understanding.

"Not just by your looks but the way you hold yourself together. Scarlet you are the strongest most driven person I know. You manage to keep your trauma together and deal with it yourself on your own time. It's definitely unhealthy but it's incredible. You're kind and manage to make everyone happy. You even put others happiness before your own. You didn't have to room with me. You knew the tension between us but instead you decided to potentially make yourself uncomfortable by rooming with your boss. I've never ever met anyone like you. I'm so very lucky to have you by my side and I hope I can learn a thing or two from you." He barely takes breaks between his words and I'm utterly confused.

"This is probably unprofessional but can you hold me? It's not often I trust people like this and I have a feeling I won't regret it."

"Fuck being professional Scarlet. You're my friend and your health comes before anything."

He took my head and put it into his chest. He wrapped his large arms around my shoulders and rested his head on top of mine. My tears soaked his bare chest and I was thankful he didn't wear a shirt to bed because his warmth was keeping me together.

"I'm here for you no matter what Scarlet." He made my heart melt and I finally hugged him back. It was most likely bone crushing because his breathing became very shallow but he never complained.

"Can you hold me until I fall asleep again?" He nodded and laid us down. I put my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his stomach. He trailed circles on where my shirt had ridden up. It was comforting. I quickly fell asleep with no problems.

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