seven minutes and thirty five seconds

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"come on come on" someone whispers. I feel cold water on my forehead. I lift my hand to feel my head when the voice says "oh thank god" I feel a wet substance, thicker than water on the top of my head, and in my hair. My eyes open easily, there's barely any light wherever I am. "Don't touch it" the voice scolds. As my eyes adjust I can make out the silhouette of a women with short hair.

I move my hand away from my head and back down by my hip. More cold water is being applied. "Who are you" I whisper. A long pause follows before she says "I'm sorry, it's Jane from earlier tonight" I try to remember the name, but turn a blank page. "You got hit with an office computer and it knocked you out, I'm just trying to help your head right now"

As she talks more, I recognize that voice. That's the raspy voice I thought was hot. "Oh youuu" I say. The silhouette nods. "Where are we?" I hear my voice echo "this is a weird area in the plumbing, you'll see when we leave" plumbing? I'm laying in plumbing right now? Damn.

After a few minutes she says "okay I only have 7 minutes and 35 seconds, don't ask I'm on a timer" the information overwhelms me and I fight an urge to ask questions. "7 minutes and 21 seconds now" she adds more water to my head, then pats it dry with her sleeve I assume. "If your not good enough to walk in seven minutes I might have to leave you here"

I feel a little shocked with that statement, kind of a rude way to put it. She sighs "The other thing is once we leave, this never happened. You pretend you never met me" I nod "okay cool, we never met" she feels my head with her hand "are you feeling better" I start to sit up "I think so"

We reach eye level, almost close enough to kiss. She looks back down at what I'm guessing is a watch, I can't really tell in this lighting. "Perfect 3 minutes and 11 seconds to spare, follow me" she turns herself around and starts crawling down this structure. I follow, my claustrophobia setting in a little. I feel every turn and slight incline or decline, this is so weird. I finally see some light as she peers through something.

So quiet it's hard to hear over the air conditioning, she says "all clear" she pushes a small vent closure off the wall, jumping onto the ground. She motions for me to follow. I get out of the thing and look at my surroundings. Looks like someone's office. A destroyed office. Computers broken on the ground, lamp shade off its light bulb, carpet with some stains, it's looks pretty wrecked.

She walks over to the light switch and everything turns dark again. She walks back over to me and whispers "okay, jump out of here" she turns me around as I notice the huge smash in the window. I look outside and see no sign of anyone. No lights are on, no cars are passing, not even people? I look at her, my eyes must be humungous "don't worry, it's only about a floor so less then 5 feet, I promise it won't hurt"

I look back out and study the distance to the ground. She's right it's not that far. "Remember this never happened okay? We're never going to see each other again" I nod and jump. It's a quick landing, barely hurting my feet. I check around myself and see the same stetting. Absolutely no one. I walk up to another street to try and find a taxi. I hear her feet hitting the concrete, and turn around to watch her flee.

She runs so fast. Before I know it she's down the opposite side of street, and out of sight. I continue walking, and eventually find a taxi. This has been such a strange night. It feels eerie. Once I arrive home it's already almost midnight. I have some water, and just knock out on my bed.

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