hospital bed

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Too late now, I'm already on her street. I look for a damaged house since I can't remember what her house looked like. Driving down the different avenues, all the houses look fine. "So what happened?" I mumble. I take a left, and see a house that's got almost a pit of dirt around it. Weird.

I drive closer and begin to remember the features "this is her house" I say. My headlights shining on the structure, I look to see if I can spot what really happened. Maybe this bomb she was talking about was put underground, maybe it didn't fully affect the house. I peek over my shoulders, and don't see anyone around me. I assume it's safe, so I get out of my car, and walk up to the door.

I push it open, realizing she must've run out as soon as she heard the ticking? Is that what she said? I don't know it was late last night I barely remember. I see her floor has been totally wrecked. Floorboards are everywhere but the ground, all torn up and messy. Trying not to fall to the concrete, dirt, or whatever is below me, I sneak around it and see a wallet. I assume it's hers, and grab it.

I enter the kitchen and see her phone, sitting on the shattered countertop. It's marble so it's not fully destroyed, but there are plenty of cracks running through it. I grab the phone and decide it's best if I head out, I wouldn't want to hurt myself or cause more damage. As I close the door, I see a truck.

This truck wasn't there before I got here I think to myself. And just I've laid eyes on it, everything goes black.

Turns out a night in a parking lot, in a car, is not very pleasant. I need gas and have nothing to pay with, and I'm hungry. I decide this nights not going anywhere, maybe I should go back to check my house. Adam knows me best of anyone in the group, he knows I wouldn't go back to a crime scene until at least MONTHS later. I'm assuming he told the boss not to worry about trying to kill me, since I wouldn't be coming back anytime soon.

I realize this is the one time I can use my persona to my advantage. I leave the Wendy's parking lot, and drive to my street. Observing 10x more then I already have been, keeping my eyes open for any of the groups cars. I slowly turn into my avenue, Turning off the headlights in case they are there. From the top of the short hill, I see an odd outline. Not a car shape, but almost like the shape of an open box? As I drive closer, keeping my distance, I realize it's a truck that's back doors are open.

Then, I start to see outlines. Outlines of figures. My stomach drops. "Have they spotted me?" I duck a little, but notice that their holding something... like a body? Now that's weird, did they just shoot a random guy on the street? As I'm sitting there, I appreciate the opportunity I have here. If I call the police on them right now, they won't even have a chance to get me.

So, I pull out my phone and make a call while watching them cram into adams truck, and drive away.


Already there are news reports about the body that was shot by the group. The police caught up to them last night, and are now trialling all 5 of them for court sentences. I'm not sure if they'll figure out our actual job, but at least I know they will be locked away, and have no chance of getting to me.

I smile reading the headlines from the newspaper stands I pass by, and get ready to start applying for new jobs. Today I have an interview with a producer. I've been thinking of acting, but truly couldn't try anything with the job I had.

But, I figure now is the time. I planned this as soon as I got dropped from the group, so even though all I have is my car, I'll be fine. The place isn't too far away, I'm kind of excited to start this new life. As much as I wish she was here, I know she needs time. I'm not going to force anything on her, but frankly I just want to see her.

Time passes quite quickly, and at 4pm, my interview is over. I think the producer liked me, making jokes and extra friendly. It'll be good for me to get this job, all though it could be dangerous considering parents of my victims could recognize my face on a television.

What am I saying, I'm thinking way too far ahead. For now I decide to go back to my house. I want to see what it looks like.

As I walk up to my car, I look at the newspaper stand. "Oh, the article has changed" I think to myself, not recognizing the coloured image on the front. I step closer and read it.
"Girl was shot by a revenge seaking gang in oak street last night"
Plastered in big letters. Any happiness I had for the day, has left. My heart stops.

The picture is y/n. Lying in a hospital bed.

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