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She could tell. She could definitely tell. Fuck. I look back at my phone, seeing the messages from 3 minutes ago lighting up.

"No he deadass said you're out!"
"I said I'm sorry! I couldn't let her just die like that"
"You let it happen to everyone else I don't see why this one was different.... Either way you're out"
"Dude I'm the one who got us all of our money, I'm the one who did most of the work why is he cutting out the best member???"
"Um wtf? Me and Sydney are good too not everything is about you g! Just forget it, I have to block you now, goodnight"

My heart is beating 10x faster then it should. Why is Adam being such a douche? And why is boss kicking me out of the group! Ugh! I don't have time to do this. Sitting there, with my hands over my eyes, trying to calm down, I see her walking with Mindy. Out of the building, she's going home.

I just lost my job all for her. I guess it's good? I DONT KNOW IM MAD. My heart rate finally seems to be getting normal again when one of the other nurses walks in. "Hi Jane, just wanted to see if you and y/n had a chance to say goodbye?" She says it in that stupid customer service voice "yup we said goodbye" I say, trying not to sound irritated "okay, good to hear. She said she'll try to visit you as much as possible!" I nod, and she leaves the room.

I want to be mad at y/n. I really do. Fucking girl lost me a shit load of money and a child hood friend. But somehow.... I'm not. I kind of feel bad? Wait no what am I saying.

*fast forward 12 lonely days in the hospital*

I've been a nervous wreck about Jane. Constantly wondering if she's okay. I haven't been able to see her since I want to spend time with my parents, and they might get suspicious if I'm already heading back to the hospital to see her even though I just got emitted.

Thank god though because I told them today I'm going to go visit my friend Skylar. They have no problem believing me since I haven't seen her since I went to the hotel with Jane. Hopefully they don't get suspicious though, because I will indeed be at the hospital.

it's taken a few days, but I've come to the conclusion that I'm not mad at her. Maybe I'm finally learning empathy, but something hit me and I feel for her. Or maybe I still like her. I don't know, but what I do know, is that I wish she was here.

Things feel a bit off between us, but I have no one to blame but myself. I put her in this place, no surprise she doesn't want to see me. As I sit there moping, wishing for some company, it seems my wishes have been granted? No seriously, wearing the leather jacket I gave her on our first (real) date, y/n walks into the room.

I smile so quickly I realize I need to control myself. "Hi" she says in her cheery voice. "Hey" I say, watching her sit on the end of my bed. "Good news" I say. "What?" She asks, green eyes staring into my blue ones. "Doc says I can probably go home in 2 days" I see her face light up "really??" I nod, blushing at how excited she is "that's great!"

She starts telling me about her parents, and how she's lying to see me. Makes me feel like Romeo or something. I listen to her every word, laughing at her jokes. And as soon as the hours pass, and it gets dark out, When she leaves my room, I realize how much I love this girl.


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