1 - Origins

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Y/n stood in the shadows. Hood on with his dark green coat covering his entire body. He was watching over the infamous Tybers getting ready to pass on their power to the the next poor soul who would have to consume their relative.


Y/n now fully alert grabbed his syringe. The one thing his family had given him before they had passed away. Y/n knew that it was all or nothing here. He would either steal the power of one of the titans or...... well, it would all be over for his family. The L/n family. An average family filled with extremely hard working and determined members. Either way, Y/n was ready to swoop in and take the biggest risk of his life. He would commit treason against Marley and flee to Paradis on the warriors' next expedition.


A lady who was blindfolded came out from behind the stage. She was blindfolded in order to be able to deal with the fact that she was about to be eaten. Y/n knew this was it. The make or break moment. He grabbed his syringe and dashed onto the stage. Y/n was well built due to his years of training with Ackermans. His family had connections with some Ackermans. Then some years later the Ackermans were found out and executed. Y/n knew that some Ackermans had escaped to Paradis. Y/n had hoped that Mr. Ackerman who he had known since he was four years old had made it to Paradis safely. But these thoughts were for another time. Right now he had to focus if he wanted to survive. He was now atop the stage and where the Tybers stood.


That was the last thing Y/n heard before he stabbed himself with his syringe. Everything  went black and the next thing he knew he stood 14 meters above a red blur. Y/n was still waking up as he saw what he had done. Y/n looked in horror as he stood above a bloody scene. He had killed hundreds of people. Y/n did not want to kill needlessly. He didn't hate Marley but he just wanted better that he had. If he knew this was the cost Y/n wouldn't have had taken this selfish action. But what was done was done and he had to move on. Without a second thought Y/n began to run away towards the ocean. It was a long way away but he had planned out his trip. He would run all the way to the ocean and wait for his titan to evaporate so he would be human again and then blend in with the crowd. But Y/n didn't account for his exhaustion. He felt extremely tired and his titan had suddenly melted away into nothingness as Y/n fell out of the titan and blacked out.

??? - A few more days of rest and he should be fine. 

Y/n was starting to wake up as he heard someone talking. Remembering his actions he shot up and out of the bed he was resting on.

??? - Woah there kid. Don't stand so suddenly. You'll get a headache.

Y/n - Who are you and where am I?

Grisha - Well, for starters my name is Grisha, Grisha Yeager. And I'm a doctor. I found a child blacked out on my way to work. Being a doctor and all I thought I would lend a hand.

Y/n - I see. Thank you for your help but I must be going now.

Grisha - Hold on a second. Seeing as you're just a child and I feel obligated to offer you help. If you ever need anything or don't feel well drop by and see me here in my clinic.

Y/n - Understood. Thank you for your help Mr. Yeager but I must be going now.

Without a second to spare Y/n dashed out of the clinic and made his way to his house. He would begin to pack for his journey. He had already packed most of his things prior to this journey but he still left out his daily necessities. At the moment Y/n was 12 and the year was 832. Y/n had become mature through his parents. They were always strict with him. But they also cared for him. They had both died of a rare disease making Y/n the last of the L/n family. Y/n deciding he had nothing to lose enacted his grand plan. This plan now had him at the beach during the night. He had escaped Marley on a boat set for Paradis. Y/n was preparing to transform when he heard sounds coming from the wall all the soldiers and prisoners went to. Y/n knew full well what was about to happen and even considered stopping the soldiers but decided against it as it would risk his position. He was so close to his freedom and didn't want to risk it all now. He turned away but then a sudden burst of yellow light flooded his vision. Before he knew it there stood a titan. But it was breaking a boat in two and had killed all of the Marley soldiers. Out of the titan emerged a man. But what shocked Y/n more was the man who was watching this entire scene with him. It was Mr. Yeager.

Y/n - Mr. Yeager! What are you doing here!

Grisha - !!! You. Why are you here. How did you get here!

??? - Calm down Grisha. He's with us. At least I think he is from what I remember.

Y/n - !!! You know me then?

??? - No, I don't but Eren, Armin, and Mikasa do.

Y/n - I don't know of an Eren or those other two names.

??? - Me neither. But you are fleeing Marley are you not? That alone makes us allies.

Y/n - No, I'm fleeing Marley. I want nothing to do with them. I shall take my leave now.

Y/n swiftly leaves the two men to themselves and begins his long journey inward to the walls of Paradis. He knew nothing about these walls but he did know that there he had hope. He had dreams of a new life.

 - Back with ??? and Grisha - 

After ??? had explained everything to Grisha he was about to set Grisha off to change the world. That's when Grisha had asked about Y/n.

??? - This is the life you are destined for.

Grisha - And where does that boy come in?

??? - He stole the power of the Warhammer titan from the Tyburs. I dont know his reasons as he never spoke of them with those three. He only ever told one person. And I do not know who that was.

Grisha - Is he an enemy or an ally?

??? - Both. He does as he sees is right. He could be either the Attack's greatest ally or his most fierce enemy.

Grisha - So it would be in my best interest to befriend him?

??? - Yes. His power is different. No, not his power. Its his blood that makes him so powerful. He is of the L/n family.

Grisha - I have never heard of this family before. What makes them so powerful?

??? - Only the L/n family and the attack titans wielders know of this. But his family is a direct descendant of Ymir. The very Ymir who made the deal with the devil. As such, he is not bound by a 13 year period. If he comes in contact with someone of royal blood he will awaken his dormant power. 

Grisha - What is this power?

??? - ................I think it would be better for you to see it once you inherit these memories.

 - With Y/N - 

Y/n - (I'm nearly there. The walls of Paradis. This is it. This is where my new life begins.)

Once Y/n had made it to the walls he used his titan to dig under them. He was sure to cover the hole with dirt so as to not let in any titans. Y/n still wasn't sure how to use his power properly but that didn't stop him from experimenting. Y/n wasn't sure where he was headed but he kept digging. Simply astonished by this new power of his. He dug and dug for days. Weeks even, all while testing the limits of his titans power. He was hardly getting any sleep from how excited he was. He had finally gotten the freedom he had wanted for so long. As he dug for days on end without rest he had made it to a cave. Or at least that's what he had thought it was. Once he came out of his tunnel and covered it up he came out of his titan to behold the sight before him.


He had encountered the underground city inside the walls. 

Y/n - (I'm going to love it here for sure!!).....woah.....I'm tired.........i'm reaaaaaaaaaalllly(yawned) tired.

Y/n - (I think I'm going to sleep for now).

Just as a precaution Y/n had encased himself in his crystal in order to protect him from anything that would be a threat to him. There wouldn't be much that could harm him given his skillset but he was careful regardless.

Y/n - (I can explore tomorrow right. For now I just want to...sleep............slee...........p.......).

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