19 - Emotions

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Audible silence was the best description of how Y/n felt. His three friends were chatting about on the horse ride back to the walls. But Y/n heard none of it, simply drowned in his own thoughts.

Y/n - (It wont matter how many titans we kill on these expeditions. Sure I can set up the wall and block out any new ones, except that wont work with the warriors who could just as easily break the wall if they wanted to. It's all pointless right now. I'm risking our lives for nothing. The warriors are searching for the founding titan. They've been here for more than a few years now. Assuming they were young when they were sent here, the youngest they could be would be this years training corps. That doesn't exactly narrow it down that much though. They're running out of time here. Maybe they'll settle for the titan that's been discovered recently...............maybe I could use him as bait? I'll have to think about this later. Looks like we're here.)

Y/n - Get ready to fight!!

Mikasa - Yeah.

Eren - Time to show you my training!

Armin - I'll do my best!

Y/n - Great! Looks like there's about 7 in the town with the gate. Ill take those four, you guys take one each. Got it?

Mikasa/Eren/Armin - Yes!

Y/n - Move out!(I feel like Erwin)

The Shiganshina trio jumps off their mounts and into the sky Y/n observes them moving in the sky. Mikasa seems skillful as always. Armin shows signs of improvement, however still too timid to show his skill. Eren is the one who gained the most from this training expedition, he zoomed off even faster than before, and when he slice a titans limb, it was a clean cut.

Y/n - Looks like this whole thing did pay off in the end. Time to go home!

Y/n leapt of his horse and zoomed into the air, once high enough to see his surroundings, he processed his situation.

Y/n - Look at that, they're all lined up for me.

After his momentum from launching upwards faded away, Y/n started falling downwards and began spinning with his blades. Cutting into the first titan, Y/n kicked himself off the now standing corpse, and towards the next. Every kill decreasing his momentum slightly. Once the last titan was taken care off, Y/n then launched back into the air to check on his friends.

Y/n - (Mikasa seems like she got hers. Armin is still looking for his opening. Eren is going in for the kill now.)

Eren - DIEEEEEE!!!!!

Eren slashed the nape of the titan, It was deep enough to kill.

Eren - I KILLED IT!!! See that Mikasa, I can take care of myself!!

Unknown to Eren, Armin's titan had seemed to lose interest on Armin, and started to reach out towards Eren.

Mikasa - EREN WATCH OUT!!!!!


Y/n - (Would you look at that, he got one.)

Armin had been the one to kill the titan to everyone's surprise.

Eren - T-thanks Armin.

Armin - Y-yeah.

---Back Inside the Scouts Base---

It was quite late when they arrived back at the scouts base. Deciding it was best to retire for the night, the squad went their own ways. Y/n returned to his home and cleaned the two days worth of dust in his house. It is now rather late and Y/n is pondering to himself.

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