17 - Operation Y/n

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Y/n - A spar?!

Levi - Yes.

Y/n - Right now?

Levi - Might as well.

The two make their way towards the sparring grounds. They both knew there would be something of a crowd yet they didn't expect most everyone they knew to be there. Even Erwin, the commander of the survey corps was there.

Hange - Who's your bet on Erwin?

Erwin - I would like to say Levi, however Y/n has really proven himself lately. Regardless, let's find out.

Hange - My bets on Levi, GOOOOOO LEVIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!

Y/n - You seem to have some fans out there Levi.

Levi - Not as many as you.

Levi teased back to Y/n while motioning over to the group on Y/n's side.

Y/n looked back to see Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Petra, Miche and many others among the scouts Y/n had befriended.

Y/n - How old are you again?

Levi - 32, why?

Y/n - ..........I'll go easy on you

Levi - !.....tch, damn brat.

With those words Levi took a fighting stance, Y/n shortly followed after mentally preparing himself. He was going to duel with "humanities strongest" after all. While Y/n knew that he could easily win if he used his powers, he wanted to test his raw abilities as a soldier. After closing his eyes and opening them with a determined look on his face, Levi seemed a bit taken aback from this intense face he had hardly seen on Y/n. However he quickly replaced his shock with a look of determination of his own. With that the fight had began

Eren - Woah! Who do you think is gonna win Armin!?

Armin - Who knows, Y/n is really strong, but he IS going up again Levi.

Mikasa - Y/n will win.

Mikasa said as if she already miraculously knew the outcome of this fight.

Armin - Hopefully.

Y/n had taken the first move and rushed towards Levi. Y/n threw a few simple throws towards Levi whom skillfully deflected the rapid blows.

Levi - (He's quick, not only that, his attacks are heavy. There's no openings, and the few he does leave close too quic-)...Ghh!

Y/n's attacks had gotten slower, but in return the impact of each blow had taken on a much heavier load. The attacks we're still easily deflected by Levi, however the heavy blows we're proving to be a bit too much for Levi. The man of shorter stature was beginning to feel the pain of blocking each blow.

Levi - (I have to swap the roles, and quickly too).

Y/n was focusing too much to have inner thoughts, simply focused on the fight he continued to throw attacks at Levi. 

Eld - Wow.....I never thought i'd see the captain be on the defensive. Though, considering it is Y/n we're talking about, it's understandable.

Petra - Y/n's doing very well! I think he might win!

Oluo - As if Y/n could defeat Levi, stop dreaming.

Gunther - Who knows what'll happen. Now shut up and watch.

Just then, Levi had instead of blocked Y/n's attack, managed to dodge out of the way of one. Using this momentary opening, Levi had thrown a kick towards Y/n's head. A bit harsh, but Levi knew Y/n could block.

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