10 - Test Run

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Y/n's squad and Levi's squads were together eating breakfast getting ready for the test expedition. This expedition was to determine a route for the way to Wall Maria. They would then make their way to wall Maria where they would set up a checkpoint base that they could rest and resupply for expeditions beyond Wall Maria. Y/n's grand plan that he had told Erwin, Hange and Levi required for the Scouts to make it all the way to the Ocean.

Y/n - Hey Levi? Things are going to work out, right?

The other four at the table just kept eating. They didn't have a clue what Y/n was talking about but they weren't used to Y/n being unsure about anything. The four, Petra in particular all grew nervous because of this.

Levi - Yeah, if everything goes to shit you can always do it on your own.

Y/n - I can, but I would rather not you know.

Levi - I'm sure we'd all rather not have to fight.

Y/n - .........(I'll make it happen, just hang on for a little bit more.)

Oluo - Captain, what's going on?

Levi - None of your business, eat your food and get ready to move out.

Oluo/Eld/Gunther - YES SIR!!!

Levi takes his leave and then after a minute or two of quick eating the other three also leave. Petra and Y/n still at the table continue eating.

Y/n - Heh, you must be glad your in my squad.

Petra - VERY!!

She happily ate her food at her own pace. After about 10 minutes of calm and relaxed eating Y/n stood up.

Y/n - I'm about finished here, once you finish you should get ready soon. I think we should do some warm up training for an hour or two before the expedition. Sound good!

Petra - Yup!!

Y/n - Nice, I'll see you in the training yard in half an hour or so.

Petra - Yeah, see you there!

Y/n walked away leaving Petra there to think to herself.

Petra - .....(Y/n's fine.........right?)

 - With Y/N 

Y/n - I have to make sure were ready for this. No more losses.

Y/n get's ready and heads over to the training yard where he meets Petra and they warm up for the day. Y/n pushed Petra extra hard today, not enough to make her exhausted but enough to fully make her ready for the day. 

Petra - ...huff.....huff.....hey,...huff....Y/n....huff.......can we stop for now?

Y/n - .........yeah, you did good. You're ready for this. If you ever need something just shout out and I'll come help. 

Petra - ....huff....thanks....huff......I will!

She somehow squeezed out a smile which Y/n returned. Y/n waited for her to catch her breath and then they made their way over to Y/n's house to relax for the little time they had left until the expedition.

Petra was sitting on the sofa just relaxing and Y/n was laying on the sofa.

Y/n - ....(They'll be fine right? Levi's trained them so they are going to be ok. And I trained Petra so she should be fine right? My training was enough right? If anything goes wrong I can always just transform..........but should I? If I transform it would screw up my plan for the benefit of all of humanity. Is it worth ruining that to save my friends? AAAHHHH).

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