A mystic

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Euphoria walked out of the house, wearing a cloak, her hair was tied into low tied pigtails, she sat next to the river water, and laid out a bunch of dolls around her, before focusing, as thin strands of source magic appeared from her back, attaching to the puppets, she focused harder, as to get the puppets to move

However, the puppets fell back to the floor, and the source threads snapped

She slammed her fist into the sand, and sighed

She took a deep breath, and walked to the river, washing her face, arms and legs in the river, then taking a drink from the water

"Let's try again" she said, and sat down again, focusing on the puppets

The ringmaster puppet, which was slightly in the water, the water gently hitting the puppets legs

2 vixen fox puppets, one with 2 tails and the other with one, laid behind her

4 unidentifiable animal puppets, which were handmade, scattered around her

And then a few smaller animal puppets, however some were anthropomorphic

She put her hands in a prayer position, and the source strings appeared, attaching to the puppets, who stood up, but she couldn't control them

"What's this?" Horus asked, leaning against the wall, watching euphoria

Euphoria gasped, and all the dolls fell, she took a few breaths before turning back around

"Silly, did nobody tell you a desert at night gets cold? Come inside, you'll freeze, I know where you're from it's not the warmest, but here it's ridiculous" he said, helping her to her feet

He picked up one of the unrecognizable animal puppets
"Practicing puppets? Not a common skill, but it's helpful, are you just starting to learn?"

"I know I've always had the power, but in my world is improper for a woman to fight, for the pure breeds at least. In Atlantis, where I lived, it's actually good for women to fight, since the majority of people there are women"

"Come inside, you'll freeze" Horus said, putting a blanket he brought outside over her shoulders

"Don't worry about the dolls, I'll sort them out" he said, and Euphoria sighed
"I'll help, I've been working on them" she said, and clapped her hands, all the puppets disappearing

"I'm working on it more, but disappearing puppets, they teleport around when my source orders them to, it's not perfect, but it's connected to a room in the resistance Anubis specifically had for puppeteers!"

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