Cora Finley (Pink Ranger)

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Full Name: Cora Mat Finley

Family/Relatives: Mr. Finley (Father), Mrs. Finley (Mother), Isabella Finley (Older Sister), Max Finley (Younger Brother), Nicole Finley (Younger Sister) and Diego Finley (Older Brother)

Animal Spirits: Leopard, Butterfly and Crane.

Weapons: Jungle Crossbow (Butterfly), Jungle Spear

Friends/Allies: Lily Chilman, RJ "Robert James", Dominic "Dom" Hurgan, Fran, Theo Martin, Master Finn, Master Mao, Master Phant, Master Swoop, Master Flay, Master Rilla, Master Crane, Master Lope.

Zords: Leopard Animal Spirit, Butterfly Animal Spirit (Second Zord), Crane Animal Spirit (Jungle Master Mode Zord)

Enemies/Villains: Jarrod, Camille, Flit, Fingers of Poison, the Overlords, Rinshi, Phantom Beast Generals and Whiger.

Crush/Romance: Casey Rhodes

Face Claim: Selena Gomez

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