Anna Lee

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Anna was sprawled out on the floor her books everywhere with about 16 sets of eyes locked onto her. She grunted with disappointment at herself for being so clumsy and all ready making a bad first impression to her classmates. Not only was she late but the first thing everyone saw of her was her flopped on the floor with her ass up. With red cheeks of embarrassment she hurried to pick up her books and looked up briefly to view her audience but her eyes immediately locked with one boy. Bright blue eyes flashed at her in return,
"Miss Lee, please, take your time.." A voice had snapped. Just then had Anna realized, bright blue eyes was Mr. Johnson, her new english teacher. She had been transferred to a more advanced English class, her last teacher suggested she was too smart for her previous class.
"U-uhm.." She muttered softly, staring at him like a dear in headlights. Mr. Johnson cleared his throat loudly, hoping to snap Anna of the trance she seemed to be stuck in. It seemed to work as she swallowed down the lump in her throat and rushed to pick up the remaining books on the floor. She saw there was one seat left in the back and swept over to it, sitting down quietly. Her cheeks were still flushed crimson red.
"Well, since you were late..why don't you answer the first question, huh?" Mr. Johnson scowled at her, silently cursing her for interrupting his class. She looked up at the board, her mind was racing with worries of being judged, it was impossible for her to understand what she was reading. The question read, 'What makes someone a leader?' Her palms were sweaty as she attempted to answer the question.
"No, wrong." She was cut off.
"Miss Lee, do you believe you belong in this class?" Anna looked at the teacher in the front of the room with horror, the lump in her throat returned, preventing words from coming from her mouth.
"No?... Well, maybe we should have a chat about that. see me after class." He said short and harshly. Small giggles could be heard across the room from many of the girls. They were all just happy that they were still on Mr.Johnson's good side. He spun around on his heel to continue the writing he had been doing on the board as Anna made her drastic entrance. Anna sat with her jaw hung low. 'Way to go Anna..' she thought to her self as she tried to blink back tears of humiliation. She tied her long black hair up in a bun and sat quietly the rest of the class, her hazel eyes peeking up every so often taking notes and watching her teacher closely.

Casey Johnson knew he was a nice enough man, not generally the one to snap. But for some odd reason Miss Lee had an exception. She seem to have had him short-tempered with her around. With wonder he turned around to glance at the class but he looked straight towards the young girl in the back. Her head hung low and she was silent while all the other students conversed amongst each other. She seemed to be quietly doodling something in her notebook. He frowned just as the bell rung,
"Class dismissed." he muttered and trudged over to his desk to wait for Miss Lee.

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