Mr. Johnson

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Anna dreaded this talk with Mr.Johnson. She wanted to go home and hide, but instead she hesitantly got up and walked towards Mr. Johnson's desk. He looked up and watched her approach him. He wiped his palms on his pants, they had become sweaty. Standing up before Anna, he slithered his eyes down and back up her body. Anna shifted uncomfortably on her feet. She bravely looked up at him waiting for him to say something when her eyes were instantly locked with the bright blue ones staring back at her.
"Miss Lee, please take a seat." He smiled generously. Anna's heartbeat sped up. His smile had some effect on her in which she had never experienced before. She did as she was told and sat down in a desk, anxiously biting her lip. Mr. Johnson slowly approached the desk she had seated her self in. She kept her eyes locked with his, being cautious of each move he made.
"I apologize for the way I greeted you into my class, I generally give my new students a warm welcome." He shrugged apologetically. Anna looked away. She looked around at the posters on the walls, all of them seemed to have an inspiring quote.
"Uh.." Mr. Johnson cleared his throat,"So why were you put into this class..?" Anna's eyes traveled back to his, she swallowed down the now smaller lump in her throat.
"I was too advanced for my last class, Mr. Shultz suggested I get moved into your class." She took a small breath.
"He says you're very good at what you do." Mr.Johnson smirks and nods,
"I have to agree with his kind words."
A small chuckle came from Anna,
"I sure hope so."
"Well, I'll let you go now.. Again Annabelle Lee, I apologize." He watched her pick up her books, waiting for a response.
"You can call me Anna.." She grinned softly at him.
"And it's okay." She added.
He nodded and set his hand softly on her shoulder to lead her out of the room. Anna's cheeks flamed at his touch, his hands felt.. comfortable. The both of them reached the door, their eyes locking again.
"Thank you Mr.Johnson.." Anna said quietly, her lip was latched between her teeth.
"Of course.. Anna." He slid his hand off her shoulder and watched her leave the room.

Mr. Johnson shut his door quietly just as the phone began to ring. He grunted as he walked over to the phone, picking it up and snapping, "Johnson.."
"Oh Hi Honey!" A sweet voice came through the phone, Mr. Johnson grunted again quietly making sure the phone was unable to hear him.
"I just wanted to remind you to pick up Harrison after school, He's excited to see his Da-"
"Of course sweetheart.." He sighed after having cut off the women on the other end of the line. Mr. Johnson closed his eyes rubbing the side of his temple.
"Thank you Casey, Love you dear." The women beamed through the phone.
"You too.." He grumbled, hanging up the phone. A picture frame sat on Mr. Johnson's desk. His eyes searched it, seeming to be looking for something inside it. He seemed to be disappointed in the happy faces of the man, woman and young child In the photo. Within seconds, he took the photo and stuck it in his desk drawer and began to clean up his class to go home to what he believed.. was hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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