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    Belle ran outside in a hurry and also in frustration. She accidentally bumped on someone's chest. She raised her head above to see who it is. It was Michael.
Belle: "Oh Michael... What are you doing outside my house?"

Michael pov:
    I met Belle again after 7 years. I didn't even expect it in the first place and how can I really fall for a girl like her? I don't know why but I kept thinking about her the whole night. I ended up taking the longest route to go to the school just to pass through her house. I'm insane.

Michael: "Uh- I was just passing by!"
Belle: "But this is not the route you always use, right? 'Cuz I didn't see you yesterday going on this route."
He tried to pretend like he was normal and ended up blabbering.
Michael: "Umm.. There's some construction work going on that way. That's why-"
Belle: "Really? Construction work on that muddy road?"
Belle chuckled.

    She remembered that she was running from that pervert Alex. So she grabbed Michael's hands and started to walk.
Belle: "I guess we're late for school. Let's go now."

     They both reached the school and entered the classroom. Michael went ahead and sat in his bench. But Belle was not going to her bench. Instead, she was looking at her bench with a surprised look.

     Alex was sitting on her bench. She didn't want to make any fuss so she searched for some empty place and she found a place near Michael. She went to Michael and sat next to him. Everyone was cheering like they are some new couple. Belle got embarrassed but she couldn't do anything as because Alex was sitting on her place.

     The class started and Belle could not focus on the class. Alex was facing backside and starred at Belle continuously.
Belle mv: "How can he be so rude in the class. And the teacher is not telling him to sit straight. What the hell is wrong with this teachers? Students? Village?"

     The bell rang and it was the break time. Everyone gathered as groups. Belle went out to get some fresh air and to escape from his sight. She saw Rose near the restroom. She went to her and had some chit chat.

Rose: "So... Why did you sit near Michael today? And I guess you both came to the school together at morning"
She asked with a smirk on her smile.
Belle: "Hey.. it's nothing. How can I sit in my place if someone was already sitting there?"
Rose got a little surprised and went back to a thinking.
Rose: "I don't remember like anyone was sitting on your bench."
Belle: "What do you mean? I'm talking about that cherry hair guy... who was starring at me"
Rose gave out a weird expression.
Rose: "I've never seen a guy like that...and the one and only who kept starring at you was Michael."
Belle: " I'm not talking about Mich-!"
She stopped at her mid-sentence.
Belle: "Nevermind." She ran to the class.

    Belle saw Michael standing outside the classroom and she went to him.
Belle: "Hey I wanna ask you something. Yesterday was there someone sitting next to you?"
Michael: "Nope... Why do you ask so?"
Belle: "I'm not done yet. Is there anyone named Alex in our class?"
Michael: "Alex? No there is just Alan and Austin on A from our class."
Belle: "Then... Can we come to school with a casual wear?"
Michael: "No- Uniform is a must in our school. Don't you know that?"
Belle was speechless. She looked like her soul left her body.
     She didn't reply any word to Michael and rushed back inside the classroom. She looked for him. But he was not there.
     Her mind started to fill with many questions. She couldn't concentrate on the class and he was missing. So she was really very confused.
     Belle wanted to find him and ask him tons of questions but the problem was he was not there. After the school ended, Belle rushed to her house.

Granny: "Welcome home Belle! How was your day?"
Belle: "Really trustfrating".
She replied and went to her room and slammed the door. Finally she found him laying on her bed.

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