Chapter 2 (Woods' POV)

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As I was about to walk over to the vault door, I heard a horrific shriek coming from behind me. I spun around to see Sam in a chokehold with the phantom. NO! I rushed forward but something caught my eye. A shiny metal object with a point on the end. I stopped dead in my tracks as I realized in absolute horror what it was. An injection

I spiraled into panic as the phantom plunged the injection gun into Sam's arm. She shrieked, a blood-curdling shriek, and I was pulled back to reality.

"Get away from her!" I yelled, curling my hand into a fist and striking the phantom right in the head. The phantom faltered back, releasing her and dropping the injection gun. I glanced back at Sam for a split second, seeing her clutching her arm on the ground, clearly in a ton of pain.

My eyes shot back to the phantom however. The phantom quickly picked the injection gun up and made a dash for the exit. You're not escaping again! Not after this! I bolted after him, right on his heels, however he was faster. No-no-no-no! You're gonna suffer because of this!

As the phantom reached the exit, he quickly pulled out a key, unlocking the door. Just as I was about to catch him, he slammed the door behind him.

I slammed into the door, hard. I jiggled the handle to see if it would open, pleading with it to open. Damn it! I pounded my fist against the door. Come on, no! I pounded the door again, softer this time as I accepted defeat. I sighed and just as I was about to think of another way to open the door, a shriek rang out throughout the building. Oh no, Sam!

I spun around and headed back down the hallway, praying that she would be alright. Please, please...why didn't I heed the warnings? Please...I just want her to be alright...

As I got through the dark hallway, I found her slumped on the ground, on her knees, clutching her arm, sobbing uncontrollably. I rushed over to her side, slowly placing my hand on her forearm so as to not accidentally scare her.

"Sam, you're going to be alright. The phantom's gone, you're safe." I wish what the last part I said was true, but I couldn't be certain. There could be many more phantoms waiting for us, waiting for the moment we slip up, leading to our doom.

I snapped back to reality, gazing at her face. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, ruining her makeup, a painful expression painted on it. She was still clutching her arm, gripping it so tight that it looked like a chunk of flesh was about to be torn out any minute.

I inspected the injection site, it was red and swollen, with burn marks...and red veins. The serum was already flooding through quite the alarming rate. As I grazed the wound, only trying to inspect it more closely, she whimpered, flinching back.

And then, something hit me. I should've called Matt! Ugh I'm so stupid. I pulled out my phone and dialed Matt's number, hoping he would pick up. I glanced back at Sam, her frail form crumpled on the floor. Come on Matt, we really need you...

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