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"Athanasia De Alger Obelia shall be sentenced to death with charges of attempted murder against Jennette De Alger Obelia"

That was what I thought would be the last words I heard but just then I blacked out. I woke up to a boy with black hair and red eyes. "You're finally awake" The boy said. Just then I realized who it was. "Lucas?! What am I doing here? '' I said. Lucas just looked at me, "I saved you from your sentence, you should be thanking me but I'll let it slide this time" he said while standing up. As he was walking around looking through bushes and finding random rocks he muttered some words and soon a sort of bubble barrier formed around us. 

"This will give you some time to escape" he said while forming the rocks into a circle. "Lucas, what are you doing and what do you mean escape" I asked. He uttered some more words and a portal opened up with the rocks. "You will use this portal and go through it, then you'll be transported to a world much different from ours and you'll need to learn how to survive but you have to get a disguise, we can't risk the emperor coming after you" he replied. I felt relieved that I would be able to live but then it hit, what about Lucas. "But what about you, when my father learns about this he will surely come after you" I said while finally getting up.

 He didn't respond. Before I could ask more questions I heard yelling and horses. Oh no I thought, he's here. Guards herded around the barrier. Just then my father appeared. Before I could respond Lucas grabbed my hand and took me towards the portal. "This is your chance you should leave now" he said. "But, what about you, I can't leave" I said while trying to loosen his grip, but it just hung on tighter. He whispered something in my ear, I love you. 

He quickly pushed me into the portal but as I fell in I saw the barrier break and all the guards around Lucas. "LUCAS" I screamed but it was too late, I had already fallen in. I woke up in this strange world, I was getting up and started walking around until I bumped into a person. I stood up and apologized. "I am very sorry for bumping into you Mr." I said. 

The man just looked at me with kind eyes and asked, "Where are your parents, little girl?". I didn't know what to say but my mouth just spit out a random sentence, "I don't have parents" I stuttered. The man then picked me up and brought me into a church, "Well my name is Seiji but you just call me father and this is going to be your new home".

Timeskip to when Yui has to go to the mansion

"Athy dear, please come downstairs" father yelled. I quickly got dressed and headed to his room. He told me that he had to work overseas and said I was going to go live with a friend of his family. I was honestly fine with this but I didn't like the idea of living with random people. "Father are you sure that there isn't anything else to it" I asked with clear suspicion in my voice. He just sighed and said "I guess I shouldn't lie to you, well I have a couple things to tell you, the people you're living with are vampires so they will try to take your blood but make sure you earn their respect so they don't push you around and you also have a woman named Cordelia sealed inside you but I'm pretty sure you already knew that because I have seen you talking to your imaginary friend a lot, and lastly you're going to have to choose between one of the Sakamaki brothers to be your husband" he said bluntly. 

I was shocked but then I decided that if this makes my father happy then it makes me happy too. "It's fine father, I will live with it and don't worry I am going to make sure no one touches me without my consent and if they try otherwise, I'll make sure they never see the light of day" I replied. (Seiji sweat dropped)."Oh and one more thing" he continued, "Please take Kiko with you, she doesn't like anyone as much as you, even me". I nodded then told Kiko that we were going on a trip and told her to pack her bags.  I went back upstairs and got ready. I went back down and hugged my dad before saying goodbye and got into the limo. Once we arrived I got off and walked towards a huge spooky mansion, huh this almost as big as the one back in Obelia.

Well I guess I have to go in.

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