Chapter 4

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Loud footsteps echoed throughout the hallway of the mansion, a blurred figure running tirelessly. I followed her into every corridor, why was she running, and from who? The girl ran upstairs into the balcony, she kept gasping and looked anxiously at the ground. 

"R-run, their going t-to come for y-you too"

She collapsed onto the floor, I ran to her and tried to pick her up, but she pushed me away. Banging noises were heard from the other side of the door, the girl was panicking at this, she then grabbed my hands, I was startled by this. She took me to the edge of the balcony.

She kept whispering and murmuring, and started shaking violently.

"Who's coming for me, and why do I need to run?!" I yelled. She then brought me to her eye level and said, "y-you're not safe i-in this place, you must l-leave". I don't understand what's going on, what aren't I safe, what this person so afraid of? The girl then slammed a bottle of pills or something into my hands.

"t-take these, y-you must remember, you m-must wake up, for a-all our sakes" 

The door blew down and the whole room was shaking, my foot slipped and the last thing I saw was the girl being grabbed by some hands. I tried to reach for her, but I was too far down. She then screamed something I couldn't hear, but I started feeling drowsy and my vision blacked out.

With a sudden jolt, my body quickly rose up, I was covered from head to toe in cold sweat. What was that dream just now?  I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't even notice the three men on my bed. 

"Eh, Bitch-Chan~ It's rude to ignore people you know~"

Ugh, I recognized that pervy voice anywhere. "What do you want Laito" I asked, "Also, why are you three on my bed". The hentai baka acted offended and held his hand to his heart. Tomato head, edged closer to me, I being me kicked him off. "Owww, How dare you kick the great Ore-sama". I rolled my eyes at him and got off the bed, I stretched myself and stared at the idiots in my room. 

"Yui-san, I feel really hungry now, why don't you give me some of your blood"

I swear these dipshits, it's like the middle of the night and they're already torturing me. Oh hello nah, I ain't dealing with these bitches now. "Sorry Kanato, but I'm not in the mood now, maybe later" I answered through my gritted teeth. Tomato and Hentai were about to make a move on me, but Pigeon bitch swooped in, talk about great timing. 

"I can believe you would indulge in these vulgar acts at this time, how disgraceful, Well, I'm glad you're awake Miss Komori, your and your sister need to get ready for school, so go wake the younger one up and get dressed into these uniforms"

Tomato just groaned and whined about how Pigeon head always ruins the fun, I tuned him out since O needed to go check up on Kiko. I feel bad for her, getting dragged into this mess. As I was walking out of my room, I noticed something outside the door, it was the same pills that the girl from my dream shoved into my hands. I quickly picked it up and put it into my pocket.

I headed to Kiko's room to wake her up for school. Ahh, she's such an angel while sleeping, can anyone be this gorgeous! 

"Kiko, it's time to wake up dear" I gently called. Kiko woke up and rubbed her eyes, "already ni-saan?" she asked. I gave her a sympathetic smile, I know she's not used to waking up at this time but, we are living with vampires.

I took Kiko into my room and showed her the uniforms, "I don't want to wear this, it looks like outdated trash" she exclaimed. I laughed a bit at that, but I guess she does have a point, they don't have much of a charm. I closed the door and told her "well then we just have to add some personal touches, right?"

I took my sewing kit out of my suitcase and started changing little things in the design. Kiko's favorite color is green and mine would be....well I don't really know. I like vibrant colors like red, blue, and yellow but I also like colors like white or beige.

"PERFECT!!" I squealed, holding up my finished masterpieces. I'm the best at making things, I mean, when I was a kid, my father didn't pay much attention to me, so for a hobby I would stitch clothes and wear them, the ruby palace was on a low budget and wasn't looked after, so maids would often steal things, the place became really shabby after that.

"Why don't you try the new and improved uniform now, Kiko?"

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