Chapter 2

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After what I said they were all in shock. Then the pigeon started introducing everyone. "The deadbeat over there is the firstborn Shu" I looked over to the guy on the couch. He had blonde hair and ocean eyes, I'm gonna call him blondie, "Is he sleeping" Kiko asked pointing towards the man. Reiji ignored her. "I am the second oldest, my name is Reiji". After that he began introducing everyone.

"There is Ayato the oldest of the triplets and the third eldest child"

"You won't get away next time, Pancake"

I mentally cringed and who the fuck is he calling pancake

"The one with the teddy bear is Kanato, the second triplet and the fourth child."

"Let me sample you again sometime"

Oh hell no

"Then the last of the triplets and the fifth child, Laito"

You and doll-chan look really sexy especially Bitch-chan

Fucking pervert and did he just call me a bitch, oh I'll show him how much of a bitch I can be

"Finally the youngest out of all of us, Subaru"

Tch, what a waste of time

At least he was decent

"Now that we have introduced ourselves, please tell us you're names" the pigeon said with a polite but cold voice. "My name is Aster Komori, and this is my little sister Kiko Komori, she's a bit shy to new people" I say. 

Then blondie finally spoke up, "He said not to drink from the little one and that we should treat them with respect, he also said we can't kill them". Then the fedora boy chuckled again, "Fufu it's looks like we're going to have a long relationship with these women". 

After that I asked Reiji to show our rooms. When we got to our rooms, I was disgusted when I saw mine. 

It's like a monster of pink paint threw up on it.

Then when I viewed Kiko's room I was even more disgusted, It was even more pinker than mine. "Pig- I mean Reiji-san, who designed our rooms" I say in the most sweetest voice possible. "It was Ayato and Laito, why" he asked. I ignored him, and told him to look after Kiko while I'm gone, then I stormed downstairs. 

I grabbed Ayato's collar and started yelling at him. "WTF is wrong with you, you incompetent idiot". The others looked at me like I was crazy. 

"How dare you yell are Ore-sama, and what are you talking about" Ayato said. 

I was about to bust a vein. "You and the Hentai Baka designed our rooms" I yelled back. Then I walked over to the Hentai Baka and pulled his hair while grabbing Ayato's ear. 

"It looks like a pink monster exploded and threw up". Then I finally let go of them. 

"But Bitch-chan how were we supposed to know you didn't like pink" the Hentai Baka said while holding his head.

"Anyone who had that room would put bleach on their eyes and try to murder themselves, and stop calling me that before I show you how much of a bitch I can really be" I said with my voice returning to normal again. 

Then the pigeon entered the room, "What is all this commotion" he said with a hint of anger in his voice. 

I then bowed my head and said "Nothings wrong Reiji-san, if you would please excuse me I need to go and check up on my sister".

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