Chapter 6

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A/N: on time with this one! Yay! I hope you guys enjoy. I should problem be asleep right now but I want to get these chapters done. Anyway please let me know how you thought this chapter was.
Ps- I did some research on a food in this chapter. If you notice something was "made" wrong jus felt me know so that I can fix it. Thanks! 😊


Nikolai POV

It was the morning again.

So much had happened in the past week and I had so much in my mind.

And now I was worrying about what Lucan wanted.

Did he want to kick me out?

Did he think I was useless?

I shook my head. It couldn't be any of that. It was probably something non important.

I reached the room and I saw Lucan tapping on his desk.

"Hello Lucan. You said you wanted to see me?" I asked

"Ah yes," Lucan said, "I wanted to give you this." He hands me a envelope. "It doesn't say on it who it's from or where it's from."

I thank him and walk to my room again to open it.

I open it and begin to read.

Hello Nikolai, it's me Hunter.

I almost drop the letter in shock.

Why was Hunter sending me a letter. I continued reading.

Whatever you do, do not tell any of your friends about this. Just tell everyone that it was a nice letter from an old friend and that it wont be often thing. I want you to write a letter back to me just letting me know you got this. Address it to an small town Myrefall. There's an inn called the blue bird. Make sure it is delivered there to room 18.
Anyway on to the point. You should watch out Nikolai. That ain't you pulled with that friend of your won't be tolerated no more. The next time anything like that happens. Just know that I will not hesitate to kill your friend. Anyone who gets in the way of us, will suffer. I will also not hesitate to wage war on this little castle of yours.
I hope I don't have to worry about any of this being a problem now, will I?
Love, Hunter

I freaked.

There's no way this possible. Should I even trust this letter.

I decided, better safe than sorry.

I started to write, trying to keep my hand steady. I couldn't let fear take over me.

I eventually wrote back to Hunter saying that I had got his letter and asking why he even cared about me still.

I was nothing anymore. I had no knight status anymore. I had no true money or housing.

I quickly ran off to where the letters where collected, to send off the letter to Hunter. I didn't want anyone to see me doing this because it might make them wonder who I was sending it to.

I after I did that I walked back to my room and was about to leave the castle to go to the stables when Lucan stopped me.

"Nikolai. Can you cook?" Lucan asked.

I nodded, "Yes. I wouldn't say I'm the beat cook there is though."

"That's fine. I need you to cook right now. Lord Adaire has some guests coming over and we don't have enough cooks. So you will be cooking." Lucan looked at me, "Well, get going towards the kitchen."

I nodded and quickly rushed towards the kitchen.

As I walked into kitchen I only saw one familiar face. It was Will.

When he noticed me he waved me over to him.

"Hey," Will said, "You can cook with me." He went on. "Lucan is paranoid about this dinner. It's for a group of lord Adaire's friends who just happen to be some of the pickiest people in the world."

This must be very important to Lucan then. I don't want to mess up this cooking. I don't want Lucan to get in trouble.

"Nikolai, we're going to be making some mawmenny. Do you know how to make that?"

I nodded I was about to grab some goat meat when Will stopped me.

"I've already fermented some goat in some wine all you need to do is grab that meat and start grinding some onions, garlic, ginger and ground spices together right now. Then can you start making some bread and finding some almonds? I'm pretty sure we have some round here."

"Ok. Are you going to make work on the meat."


I walked off to get the ingredients I needed.

After I got everything. I started to grind the onions with 4 cloves of garlic, ginger and ground spices. Then I put it over the fire and after about 7 minutes I added three spoons of butter and oil mixed together. I then stirred it all together until all the liquid evaporated and the mixture turned a darker colour. I then added small pieces of wood to the fire so that it would burn hotter.

"Hey Will." I called, "Is the meat ready?"

"Yep." He yelled back.

He came over to me and passed me the meat.

I stirred it into the mixture along with some whole spices. I kept stirring until the meat sealed. I then added sugar and ground almonds, stirred it al together let it sit over a smaller fire, stirring occasionally.

Then we heard Lucan call for the mawmenny. We handed our dish over to some chefs who poured it into some bowls and took it out to the guests.

Will and I looked at each other, exhausted, then Lucan came over to use and told us that we could leave and take the rest of the day off.

We thanked him and walked off.


Lucan POV:

I love him?

Oh I don't know. But it's not important right now. I should be focusing on making sure everything goes smoothly with lord Adaire and his guests.

So far no problems, but that will most likely change. Whenever we had guests over something always went wrong. It was like the house was cursed. I was heading over to the table again when one of the servers tripped, almost landing on one of the guests.

I was rushed over to make sure the guest was ok.

I recognized as Lord Richard. He was know to be impatient and moody. Nobody picked fights with him because he wasn't just annoying but he was strong.

I apologized for what felt like 100 times. Until the guest told me to "just clean it up and leave". And I did just that.


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