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"Remind me again, why i'm doing this?"

Jungkook asks, annoyed that he let Yijin talk him into doing this. "Because..," She starts, clinging on to his left bicep as she's pushing him towards their destination, sounding all innocent and cute, though Jungkook knows that's far from what she truly is.

"Because it's fun Jungkook!"

The raven boy glares at her smile, finding some enjoyment in teasing him.

"You call this fun? I don't do dating, Yijin." He huffs. Not finding this amusing at all. Jungkook knows she's doing this just to provoke him, there's other ways to go about this.

"Shush Jungkook, you're doing this and that's final, your very little good-for-nothing heart could use a girlfriend you know."

"Go to hell" Jungkook scoffed.

She continues. "you're doing this so i can do my job remember? So stop complaining like a damn toddler."

Through all the complaining he hadn't even realised that they arrived at their destination, a restaurant, and a pretty chique one at that.

Another reason why Jungkook wants to dig himself a grave, fancy was not his thing unless he is in a mood to spend, which is almost never.

"I even tried so hard dressing you up nicely Jungkookie, give me some credit for putting this outfit together given the fact that your closet, looks like a homeless man died in there."

A glare was shot from Jungkook's eyes to Yijin's. "My closet and i would like to disagree with your 'slut' wardrobe." He replied with much dismay.

His clothes are fine,
black, grey, sometimes ripped but mainly simple. He only ever dresses up for business meetings, but he's a field type-of-guy. So he rather works among his people without many outsiders noticing that the actual leader came with.

"Don't pretend you don't like it." Yijin's popular smirk comes into sight because she knows she has a great body, nobody can lie about that.

"Whatever." He does not entice her moment of pride and opens the door made of glass, walking into his nightmare. He walks past a few tables, seeing a lot of old but rich looking people enjoying their meal, probably talking about how their million dollar homes are being renovated or how their last trip to their private islands went.

Jungkook wants to drown in his shoes, even though he dressed the part and always looks confident, he hated feeling less than them.

But on the contrary, leading a mafia makes him richer than all of these people combined..

Though Jungkook is different.

He doesn't spend on the unnecessary or wave his money in other people's face. The life that he chose does not allow him to enjoy moments and spend what he earned. He chose work over money, power over money and because of that, he will have to keep working till he takes his last breath of air.

Jungkook looks back at the glass door one more time, Yijin is still standing there, waving at him as if he's an idiot. He feels like she's sending him off on his first day of school with that look on her face, that smug look of feeling proud that she finally got him to do this.

Or found an excuse to do this.

Jungkook just wants to give her his middle finger but he knows he can't with all of these people around him. 'Stay calm, you can deal with her once you're home.' He told himself as he took a deep breath and started walking towards his table, the exact one Yijin had reserved for the night.

And there she is. A beautiful girl might he say, Yijin really chose a good one of that dating site she forced him to join for this mediocre bullshit.

She is younger than him, he can see that from the first glance, has beautiful iced-latte coloured hair, brown eyes, not too short but definitely way shorter than himself, nicely dressed too.
He did think that there was too much makeup for his liking, with the fake eyelashes and red lipstick, but it didn't bother him too much.

The girl, Soo-ha, notices him and gives him a warm smile as they both exchange "hello's" and sit down.

—— 30 minutes later ——

Jungkook has to say that he isn't at all disappointed with this 'date'. He wouldn't do it again for sure, but she's very sweet and has good character. She just got her degree and has a pretty decent job for herself, spends the weekends going out with friends and the weekdays to improve her skills. She just moved into her own apartment that she shares with a roommate and she loves to travel.

All and all, she has a pretty normal and decent life, something Jungkook is quite the opposite of.

He knows he wouldn't mind meeting Soo-ha again, not that he's ever going to admit that to Yijin of course, but he also wouldn't mind it if this would be their last and only encounter.

He lives for his job and nothing else, and this situation proves just that. Because this date would have never happened if there wasn't any work involved..

See, the whole point of this date wasn't 'the date' exactly.

What? Did you actually expect THE Jeon Jungkook, owner of Vix, to talk himself into a date like that?

Sure, Yijin is pushy but she won't ever win on something like this, not so easily. So there had to be obvious reasoning.
Conveniently about the man sitting behind Jungkook, enjoying his meal and talking to his buddies or, men, should he say.

This man, Do Mo-Hyuk is one of the many suppliers of fire-arms for the Yakuza.

He and his son are pretty popular around town and both really like to show it off. Expensive houses, yachts, dinners, club visits, whatever you can name.

They like to brag about it too, like just now, the entire half hour that Jungkook's been sitting here, pretending to only care about what the girl in front of him was talking about, he went off about how he's so disgustingly rich and paid the director of Seoul's finest theatre to let his son take the lead roll in a play this Thursday, as acting was his dream.

But just because they deliver fire-arms doesn't mean their untouchable. That is something Mr
Mo-Hyuk and his son are very wrong about.

They don't belong to the Yakuza, they only deliver.

They're not owned protection, they get paid for their services, nothing more.

So when his lovely son decided to kill one of Jungkook's guys on Friday because he knew he belonged to Vix, having the audacity to think that he could do that for his buyer without facing the consequences alone, Jungkook of course, took the liberty to take matters into his own hands, needing to show he is not to be messed with.

He's going to kill that son of a bitch, and his plan had gone in motion with just a simple date..

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