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As nice is this date is, it had to come to an end now. Mo-hyuk and his men already paid for their meal and are headed to leave. So Jungkook was about to ask the waiter for the bi-


He whirls around on his seat to see Yijin coming towards him and Soo-ha, in of course, her ever so slutty outfit.

Just her silhouette was enough to have the men staring within the restaurant, watching with hungry eyes as she walks past every single one.

She really knows how to make herself look like a first class whore, which wasn't very unpleasing to look at all day for Jungkook's manly eyes, but this was a fancy restaurant, completely different story.

"Jungkookie i'm bored now, can you hurry up? Pleaaasee?" She asks slurring at her words to make it sound more cute yet sexy, staring into his eyes with her dark red contacts, wearing a red laced top and a very short black skirt with black boots.

Yijin hugs Jungkook from behind while he is still in his seat, giving Soo-ha in front of him a lot of confusing thoughts. Jungkook himself wasn't very pleased with this behaviour. It had not even been an hour before Yijin had decided it was enough of a wait for her, but he couldn't show his annoyance here.

Everyone in the restaurant was looking at them now, even Mo-hyuk and his people stopped to watch the scene.

"So you have a girlfriend?!" Soo-ha immediately puts her thoughts into play: "And why is she calling you Jungkookie?"

Her tone was rather unpleasing, eyebrows frowning looking at the two in front of her, she wasn't amused at all.

One thing Jungkook could tell was that Soo-ha had been rather interested in him from the get-go but now he seemed just a waste of her time. Probably better that she'd find out now anyway.

Jungkook never uses his own name when he meets new people, because the name Jeon Jungkook is everywhere in the media. People fear at his name, and that's how he wants it most of the time, but for situations like these, he uses a different name, Choi Yeon.

He also already knew he couldn't leave Yijin alone for so long. She gets bored easily, and starts acting on instinct, doing things out of order. He should've brought Joon with him to occupy her while he handled things. Now all he can do is play along.

"No she's not, are you sweetheart?" He asks Yijin behind him, slightly turning his head to get a glance of her face that is buried in the crook of his neck. Yijin giggles sweetly, perfect white teeth showing until she places a quick kiss behind Jungkook's ear. "No, im not.", she answers, smiling at the Soo-ha.

"This little kitten just cant be left alone for too long you see." Jungkook's voice has turned sadistically playful by now, the whole restaurant still focused on them as he further explains to the girl in front of him.

"She'll get bored if she doesn't see me for too long." A wicked smile is displayed on his face when Yijin hums while playing with his hair, keeping this situation interesting for the viewers.

"Did you get bored baby?"

Jungkook turned around and softly grabs Yijin's hips to get her on his lap, trying to keep Mo-hyuk's attention.

She happily complies, quickly glancing over to the man they're here for, and goes in for the finale.

"Yeah, my Jeon Jungkookie was so mean for leaving me alone..." she pouts, showing some cute sadness.

And that's it.

that was the moment.

He looks over at Mo-hyuk, seeing his eyes widen in fright, finally connecting the dots when he sees his predator smirk.

He knew exactly why they were here, they were after his ass, or even worse, his son's ass.

After realising all this, the fire-armdealer makes quick way in turning around and running out the door. Yijin is still in Jungkook's lap, keeping her eyes on the entrance to see in which direction her prey is running.

"Yep, he's definitely a runner."
She says in a monotone voice, almost boring into his ears.

Jungkook's hands find her waist again, and her head turns back towards her boss, asking for permission with those big doe eyes. "Go play, i'll be right there love, i won't keep you waiting any longer." Yijin smiles at him, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek before climbing off his lap.

"Don't take too long Kookie or i'll be done playing without you." She comments before that wicked smirk of hers makes her teeth disappear again and she's running out the door, with a gun she pulled out from underneath her skirt.

Jungkook looks back at Soo-ha, who is now shaking in her seat. "Y-you're J-jeon J-jung.. Jungkook?!" she almost whispers her words as she stutters, looking down, too afraid to upset him in any way.

"I am, but don't worry, our date was nice." He wasn't lying, it really was a great date.

"Don't expect me to call for a second one though." He winks at her, takes his wallet out of his pocket and drops a bunch of cash on the table, knowing that it will be more than enough to pay for his dinner, and hers too, he's still a gentlemen of course.

"Now if you don't mind me, i've got a man to hunt." Jungkook bows respectfully to her, and turns around to find his prey, who is probably already being eaten alive by Yijin, leaving his pretty date behind.


Im already done with more parts but i first wanted to see how these would do, tell me if you like them and i'll release more! <3

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