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"Hey, whoa! Okay, come on," Billy said, pulling me away. We walked away and went on with the rest of our day.

Later that night we were at a party. I was no way interested in joining the sorority. "Hallie, come on," I said, as we walked through the door. The boys were around somewhere no doubt drinking. "I am not a sorority pusher. I just think, despite its trivialities, it is a life-affirming, mentally stable, healthy environment for you," she said. She was waving and smiling at people as we walked through the house. "I mean, look at this freaking place," she said. "I think you're taking your psych major a little too seriously, Hallie," I told her. She handed me a cook. I took it, sniffed it, then threw it over my shoulder. "I'm fine," I told her.

"Mm. That's beginning to become your theme song. "I'm fine." Yeah. Insecure, neurotic, and delusional," she said. I took my leather jacket off to reveal me black mesh top with a black tube top underneath. I had jeans and black boots on with it. "Y/n, you made it!" I turned around to see two of the sorority sisters walking towards us. "Hi!" The girl with long blonde hair said. "No, I mean that. Hi," she said. I nodded my head. "Hi," I said. "Do you girls want a drink?" The one with curly hair asked. I could never remember their names. "Actually, yeah. But you know what? We'll get it ourselves," I said. Then me and Hallie walked off.

I found Billy and Stu out back drinking and fooling around with some of the other guys. "Hey, babe!" Billy said. "Hey, what're you doing?" I asked, walking over to him. "Nothing, just fooling around," he said. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. We were only there for an hour before it got shut down. The sorority house across the street had police, emergency, and reports all over the lawn. One of the sorority sisters had been murdered. "Come on, let's get you home," Billy said. "Yeah, you can stay in our dorm tonight," Stu told me. I nodded my head as I looked at the flashing lights. "Yeah, okay. I'm just going to get my jacket," I said.

I walked into the room where I took my jacket off and picked it up off the back of the chair. I put it on and was getting ready to leave when I heard the phone ring. I turned to the stand that the white, corded phone sat on as it continued to ring. I just looked at it until it stopped then turned to walk out the door. The phone started to ring again and I stopped. Stu and Billy looked at me. "Are you ready?" Billy asked. "Almost," I said. I walked back to the phone as it continued to ring. I took a deep breath and picked the phone up. "Hello?" I said. "Hello, y/n. Remember me?" The voice said. I looked out the door to see the boys staying on the sidewalk watching the reports and police. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I want you. It's Showtime," they said. "Then why don't you show you face, you frucking coward," I said and hung up the phone. "My pleasure," I turned around to see a tall figure in a ghostface costume. He was standing by the door. "Billy!" I screamed as he closed and locked the door. He raised the knife in his hands and charged after me. I moved out of the way and pushed him into the stand before running off. I went to the door and tried opening it. But in my haste I couldn't get the door open. I could hear Billy and Stu on the other side yelling for me and pounding on the door. It was one thing when it was them who was chasing me. Sure, it was terrifying but I had always had a feeling that I knew who it was. This time I had no idea who it was.

"Billy! Stu!" I yelled. I turned to see the masked man charge towards me and I quickly got out of the way before he could stab me. His knife ended up going through the door giving me time to run. I went one way while he went the other way, only to meet me in the middle. He went to grab me but tripped, knocking over the chair and lamp beside it. I ran through the kitchen and to the back door. I screamed when someone grabbed me. "Its okay. It's me. You okay?" Billy said. I was crying as I launched myself into him. Stu ran inside and Billy kissed my forehead before going after him. "No, Don't!" I yelled.

This is what they have been itching for. The thrill they got when they killed someone. I made them promise to not go on anymore killing sprees. I begged to have a normal college experience and to block out what had happened back in Woodsboro. But with my luck, that juat couldn't happen. Y/N!" I turned to see Dewey running towards me. "Dewey, the killer's in there, and both Stu and Billy," I cried. I heard Billy grunt and glass break. Dewey went in after them. He opened the swinging door and Billy was on the floor. "You alright?" Dewey asked. "He went that way. Stu went after him," he said. "Y/N, he's in here!" Dewey yelled.

I ran into the house and dropped down beside Billy. His arm was all bloody from the killer slashing his arm. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around it. Stu came back breathing heavy as he said. "He got away." I looked up at my brother for a second before standing up. Stu and Dewey helped Billy at and up. This could not be happening. Who would be doing this? Someone who wants to be like the original killers? Of course people didn't know that Billy and Stu were the original killers. Everyone thought that Mr. Prescott had lost it and went on a rampage. There was no way Sidney survived. I cut her throat from ear to ear. Could she survive that? If she did could she have gotten someone who wanted to be like the killers to help her? This was going to get messy. And if Billy and Stu got a chance they would kill anyone they suspected of trying to copy them. It was supposed to be their sequel, nobody else's.

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