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It's been a few days since Stu was stabbed. Our parents were staying at a hotel nearby. Our mom wouldn't leave his side. I was being sent away and being guarded by the two guys who were assigned to me. There were officers standing guard outside Stu's hospital room and Billy was going to come stay with me, along with Hallie. I was to call Billy when we got there and let him know where I was. He hated not being in control of what was going on.  He hated it more that someone was copycatting him. 

 Currently Billy is at the hospital with Stu. Hallie and I were on our way with my personal bodyguards. We were stopped at a red light right now. The street was dark and completely empty.  So, where are you guys taking us, anyway?" Hallie asked. "If we tell you, we'll have to kill you," one of them said. It was just silent and I just looked at him. "Don't ask; don't tell," the other one said. As I looked back in front a scream left me. The killer smashed through the glass and cut the guys throat, who was sitting in the driver's seat. Hallie and I were screaming. The back doors were locked and could only be opened from the outside. There was a cage that separated us from the front. 

The killer climbed on top of the car and the other detective  got out of the car. The killer grabbed hold of him and started slamming him up against the car until he knocked him out. The killer got into the car and looked straight at me through the gate that separated us. Like back in Woodsboro when I came face to face with that mask I got a sense that I knew who this was. Hallie kicked the door, willing it to open. The killer pushed the detective out of the car and climbed into the driver's seat. The detective that was still alive stood up and pointed his gun at him, only for The killer to run the car into him. He held onto the hood of the car while the killer slammed on the gas and for us all over the road to try and knock him off. 

Hallie was screaming and holding onto me. I was too scared and in shock to do anything. I just hoped it would survive this time along with Hallie. Eventually we ended up running into a concrete barrier and the detectives went through the window along with a bunch of poles. A pile had gone straight through his head and into the front seat. "Oh, my god!" Hallie and I both screamed as we were slammed forward. I sat up and looked at the killer. He had been knocked out from the impact. "Is he dead?" Hallie asked. "I don't think so," I whispered back. I got a little closer and could hear him breathing. "He's still breathing," I told her. 

We looked over to see the detective. "Is he dead?" Hallie whimpered. "Oh, god. I think so," I told her. We started to try and find a way out. Kicking the windows in the doors and kicking the doors themselves. I even tried kicking out the back window. "How are we supposed to get out of here?" Hallie whispered. "I don't know. It's a cop car," I told her. Then I looked up and noticed that the pole that had gone through the detective's head had also gone through the metal crate up in the corner. I wrapped my hands around the corner of it and started pulling and rolling it down. "Hallie, it's the only way out. Help me out," I whispered to her. She did the same thing I was and we pulled it down far enough we could crawl through it. 

Of course crawling through it also meant we would have to crawl over the killer to get out of the car. I put my leg through the opening and climbed into the front seat. I gasped when I came face to face with the detective. I've seen a lot of gruesome things. Hell, I saw my best friend hanging from a tree with her insides on the outside. I saw my other best friend crushed and hanging from the car door on my garage door. But being this close was different. I tried to open the passenger door just in case but it wouldn't budge. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before looking over at the killer. "We're jammed up against a pole," I whispered to Hallie. 

I put my hand on the dashboard and slowly leaned over the killer. I reached my hand slowly out towards the mask. I wanted to see who It was. I wanted to know who would be so stupid to copy Billy and Stu. "Come on, y/n/n. Don't y/n," Hallie said. Just as my hand made contact with the mask my arm slipped and hit the horn. I gasped and quickly moved away. Nothing happened though, stay completely still. "God, I hate the shit," I whispered. I moved and reached across him again but this time I reached for the door handle. 

I tried it but it wouldn't move. The door was jammed shut. "Try the window," Hallie said. I took a deep breath before I slowly climbed over the killer and climbed out of the window. As soon as I was out of the car, I went for the back door but when I tried to open it, it wouldn't move. "Shit!" I cursed. "Get me the fuck out of here, y/n/n!" Hallie said. "The doors stuck. You'll have to go through the front," I told her. "Oh, no fucking way," she said, looking at me. "Hallie, just do it," I said. She hesitated for a couple seconds before climbing to the front seat. I stood by the window and helped her. "Okay, that's right. Shh," I told her. I watched to make sure the killer wasn't going to wake up. 

She looked at the detective and scrunched up her face. "Oh, right through his eye," she said. "Easy. Easy," I said as she started slowly making her way towards me. She reached her hand out to me and I took it. "He's not going to hurt you," I whispered. I helped her climb out of the window and we ran. I stopped though. "Hallie," I said. She stopped and looked at me. "What?" She asked, confused. "I want to know who he is," I told her. "Oh, no. Come on, y/n/n. Please? Let's go," she begged. "I'm going back," I told her and made my way back to the car. I had to know. I had to know who was behind this. Hallie grabbed a hold of my arm and stopped me.

 "Look, look. Stupid people go back. Smart people run. We're smart people, so we should just get the fuck outta here," she said. I looked down the road then looked at her. "Hallie, I'm sick of running. If we know who it is, then it's over," I told her. "No, we can just get the police," she said. "Yeah, and when we come back, he'll be gone. It'll only take a minute," I told her. "I have to do this." I ran towards the car as she yelled for me to come back. I slowed down and looked back at her before continuing. But when o got back to the car and looked into the open window he was gone. 

"Oh, shit," I said. "What?" Hallie called. I turned and looked at her. "He's gone," I said. "What?" She said. Just then he jumped out behind her, grabbing her around the shoulders and stabbed her. I let out a scream as I covered my mouth with my hands. He continued stabbing her several times. She was looking at me when he dropped her to the ground. Then he looked at me and started running after me. I turned around and ran through the dark, empty streets. I ran all the way back to the school and ran into the theater.

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