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After the police station Billy took me back to my dorm. Hallie was out with some guy she met so I was just gathering some clothes and the stuff I would need for classes. Billy and Stu didn't want me to leave either of their sides. If one wasn't around I had to be with the other. I didn't really mind that. I unlocked my door and walked in with Billy right behind me. "I need a shower," mumbled looking down at my hands and arms that were covered in dried blood. "Grab your stuff, you can take a shower back at my dorm. I grabbed a duffle bag and threw some clothes and my shower stuff in it. Billy took it and my school bag then we left. 

The only thing I didn't like about the boy's dorm is, one, it was across campus, and two, it was the co-ed dorm. It was not their fault that was the dorm they were assigned to but I didn't like Billy being in a dorm where girls just walked around in the littlest of clothing possible. I could care less about my brother, he loved it. I didn't spend much time at their dorm. Billy normally came to my dorm and I would just let Hallie know and she would make plans to be somewhere else. 

We walked through the doors and a group of guys greeted Billy, who he just nodded his head at. People seemed to really like him. He was just as popular here, as he was back in Woodsboro. If only they knew who he really was. If only they knew he was the one behind the Woodsboro Massacre. We walked up the stairs to the second floor and down the hall to room 274. The dorms here all had individual bathrooms unlike my dorm. In my dorm it was all girls so we just had one big bathroom. Billy pulled his keys out and unlocked the door. Stu was on his bed leaning against the headboard. "Hey, took you two long enough," he said. "Shut up, Stu," Billy said. Stu jumped up and engulfed me in a hug. "How ya doin'?" He asked. "I'd be better if I could breathe," I wheezed out. He pulled away and took in a deep breath of air. 

"I'm going to take a shower," I said. I grabbed my shower bag out of the duffle on Billy's bed where he left it. I headed to the bathroom and shut the door. I put the bag on the counter and then walked to turn the shower on. I pulled Billy's jacket off, hanging it on the back of the door before peeling off my blood soaked shirt. I heard the boys whispering and out my ear to the door. "You only want me to leave so you can fuck my sister," I heard Stu said. "Shut the fuck up," Billy whispered. "Ow! Alright I'm going!" I heard Stu yell. I could only assume Billy hit him. I heard the door shut and rolled my eyes. I finished undressing and got under the hot stream of water. I watched as the water turned a dark reddish-brown as Randy Meeks dried blood washed away from my skin. 

I kept replaying everything over and over in my head. If only I wasn't so stupid and would have saw the window open in the passenger door. I could have possibly saved Randy. But of course I could have gotten myself killed too. I turned around and titled my head back letting the water soak my hair. The door opened and shut but I ignored it. I knew who it was. "You good in here?" I moved the shower curtain to look at Billy. "I'm fine. Wanna join me?" I asked. "Took a shower this morning. I just wanted to let you know I'll be down stairs in the lounge watching the game with the guys," he said. "Oh, okay. I love you," I said. "I love you, baby-girl," he leaned closer and gave me a quick kiss before walking out of the bathroom. 

I finished my shower and wrapped a towel around myself. The bathroom was full of steam. I whipped the mirror clean and looked at myself. I ran my brush through my hair and brushed my teeth before stepping out into the bedroom. The room was completely empty, both boys gone. I grabbed a pair of shorts and slipped them on. I was going to slip a tank top on but walked to Billy's closet and grabbed on of his shirts instead. 


My head snapped over to the phone on the desk. I slowly walked over to it as it continued to ring. I hesitated for a second before answering it. "Hello?" I said. There was silence for a couple second before someone answered. "Who's this?" A girls voice asked. "Y/N. Who is this?" I asked. "Stacy. I'm looking for Stu," she said. "Oh. He's not here," I told her. "Why are you in his room?" She asked. She was getting snippy with me. I rolled my eyes. "Calm down. I'm his sister. I'll let him know one of his birches called," I told her and hung up. I had a this strange feeling I was being watched so I walked over to the window and looked outside. It was dark out now; the only lights were street lights and the light poles that lined the sidewalk out in front of the building. 

A black figure caught my eye and I looked over towards a street lamp across the road. A figure dressed in black was standing there looking straight up at the window I was looking out. They had their hands in their pockets of the jacket they wore and the hood pulled up over their head. The figure couldn't have been any taller than I am. A truck drove by and after it had passed the person was gone. I shuddered and I stepped away from the window. I didn't feel so safe by myself anymore. I slipped some socks on and grabbed Billy's keys off the desk. I knew Stu wouldn't have his. After making sure the door was locked I made my way down stairs where Billy said he would be. 

As I walked into the lounge I saw a bunch of guys sitting around the tv. There were others in there too just spread out having their own conversations.

I saw Stu first. He was in the corner by the pool table talking to some blonde bimbo. I walked over to him and tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around with a smirk on his face. "Hey, sis!" He yelled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me to his side. "Ashland, this is my twin sister y/n," he smiled. "Oh, my god. I've heard so much about you!" She squealed. "Awesome! Look Stu, um... you had a call," I said. "Who?" He asked. "Stacy," I said. "Who's Stacy?" Ashland asked, looking at Stu with one of her thin eyebrows. "No one, baby. Just an old fling. She can't expect I don't want her. You're all I want," he said. He leaned towards her, wrapping hos arms around her waist and kissed her.

 "Gross. Look, Ashland, my brother may seem great  but he wets the bed," I said. Stu's head snapped towards me as she backed away from him looking at him in disgust. "What the he'll! I do not! Why don't you go harass someone else. Like that girl hanging all over Billy," he said. My face dropped and a huge smirk took over his face. I whipped my head to the direction Stu was pointing. On the other side of the room was Billy. He was standing, leaning against the counter with some other guys. A few girls stood around them. One of them standing in front of him so close they were almost touching. Her fake ass boobs puffed out. "Someone's going to die," Stu whispered in my ear. I walked over to them and tapped the girl on the shoulder.  

Whatever she was talking about Billy didn't seem that interested in it. She turned to look at me. "Can I help you?" She asked. "Yeah, you can help me by get the fuck away from my boyfriend," I told her. 

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