Fluffy, The Mightiest Cerberus

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Everything was quiet for the next week- classes, training, library time spent alone with Hermione. Both were being noticed for their studiousness by their professors- they had been pulled aside on Monday afternoon by Professor McGonagall who told them both she was immensely proud of them and they were a credit to Gryffindor House. Y/N had smiled, Hermione had turned beetroot red and looked like she was going to cry.

Flying class had become slightly different. During lunch on Wednesday Madam Hooch had pulled Y/N aside and given him a one-on-one run through assessment- following this, where she had given Y/N 20 house points, he had become her assistant in both first year classes, with the Gryffindors and Slytherins on Wednesday afternoon and with the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff class on Tuesday afternoon. His notoriety continued to grow.

Couple this with the secret trainings Wood had organised for Harry and Y/N and Y/N was extremely busy.

He had still found time though to read through his birthday present from Rowan. He had been astounded. He'd known his family was important, that they were all powerful wizards and witches, that they were aristocrats, nobility, but he had never given it much thought other than accepting it as a fact and moving on. It's not like he had enjoyed a privileged upbringing.

However, Rowan's text had opened his eyes to the truth behind his family. The L/N's were often throughout history the voice of the voiceless; defenders of the downtrodden; the last bastions of light and freedom when all of Magical Britain was covered in darkness.

His father Thomas L/N had been the 57th Archduke of Magical Great Britain. He had been a powerful man- Ealdorman of the Wizengamot and a brave and respected Auror.

He had however broken tradition. In times of conflict the Archduke served as Hand of the King, signalling the unity of all Magical Britain- Pure Blood through to Muggleborn- against a common foe. However, when King Alfred had refused to publicly stand against Voldemort and his blood purity cause, Thomas had publicly ended the near thousand year alliance of House L/N and House Wessex. He had declared in an address at the Wizengamot that if you didn't stand for freedom and equality you stood against it.

The Royal Family had drastically lost both power and prestige in the ensuing decade following the Dark Lord's fall.

Y/N felt a swell of pride in his chest, not only in the deeds of his mighty ancestors, but in the actions and convictions of his father. Freedom was the inherent right of all. Jacob's lessons rang true in Y/N's mind. That a man must never cower to fear or pressure. That he must stand firm in the face of evil. That it was better to die a hero than live as a coward. Y/N thought back to all he had gone through. To his family. To those who had helped him during his training. The centaurs, the giants, the goblins, the House-Elves, the Romany, certain werewolves. Those Pure-Blooded society deemed lesser. They had as much right to live free and happy as he did, in spite of the draconian methods the Ministry of Magic employed. A single thought solidified itself in Y/N's mind-

Freedom was the right of all sentient beings.

When of age Y/N would use the power and prestige of his bloodline to make sure they got it.

Days ran into each other until the following Thursday. While Y/N was training Hermione in their special place, Draco had managed to get to Harry and Ron in the Great Hall.


"You're serious, you accepted?" Y/N snapped.

"Of course he did he's not chicken" Ron snorted. He quickly backed down at the glare he received from Y/N, who snapped again:

"Ron shut up! I'm talking to Harry. I'll deal with you in a minute".

Y/N's words were particularly venomous. Hermione rubbed her best friend's arm in an attempt to calm him. There had been growing tension between her best friend and the redhead for a couple of weeks. Ron had a massively inflated sense of his own importance. Y/N found him to be rude and ignorant- two things he couldn't stand.

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