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It wasn't long before I heard the door slam. I'm not gone lie I was a bit scared so I had legend tightly in my arms so they couldn't hit me before I could explain.

"Rome!" I heard Oskar yelling "Where the fuck is she you psycho bitch!" He stood in the doorway staring at me.

Magnus was behind him and his face was red "Rome you better-"

I seen Romeo with two guns behind them pointing them at the back of Magnus and Oskars head "Watch how you talk to my sister" he cocked the guns back "Rome not the one you should be worried bout"

I put the phone down on the table and looked at them.

"Go" Romeo pushed the back of their heads and they carefully walked to the table "Play it Rome"

I pressed play and over the next 30 minutes I watched Oskars heart break. It was all over his face. Magnus eyes were burning with rage when it got to the part where she had taken advantage of him. Once the video stopped Romeo put the guns down looking at me and I nodded and he left.

"I'm sor-"

"Where is she?" Oskar said angry with tears in his eyes

"I don't think you should see her like this. You need to see her with your head held high Oskar"

He sat down on the couch and started crying. Legend crawled in his lap grabbing his face and mushing their faces together.

Oskar started laughing but was still crying. Magnus sat on the table in front of him "Brother-"

"Magnus I am so-"

"You didn't do it. Just please wipe your damn nose" he handed him a tissue.

I chuckled and covered my mouth. Oskar was ugly when he cried.

"How did you know? Why didn't you tell us?" Magnus said

"Like y'all would've believed me. Y'all love her to much and she knew that. I seen it when she watched us kissing when I had came there. Cain just confirmed everything, so did Romeo. She was the only one who was close enough to Oskar without being suspected. You both suspected everyone else but her. Even your own mother." I shook my head "You two never even named her"

"I honestly thought she wasn't smart enough" Magnus said

"Right" Oskar shook his head

"I'm gonna go see her" Magnus stood up

"I'll come with you"

We went downstairs and blood was running down her leg. I went up to her pushing it up more and twisting it around. "Fucking Sicko"

It was like she didn't even notice me. She was staring at Magnus with this sick hopeful smile on her face. "Magnus you came"

He walked up to her and pushed hair out her face. Her eyes were shining and she was still smiling at him, he smiled at her "You do know I'm going to kill you right?"

"What? Why? But-But I love you! And daddy! I did this all for you two! She was in the way! She needed to die! To leave! Leave us alone" she started screaming "She needed to leave us alone"

Magnus shook his head looking at her "You're sick Nadia"

Before I could register what the hell was going on Oskar came in and smashed glass on her face. He pulled his gun out shooting at the chains and her body fell on the ground and she screamed out. He put his foot on her face and twisted it "You took a dad from my nephew! He missed birthdays! Holidays! With his son! A love from my brother! From me!" He stomped on her ribs where I had put the thumb tacks. "You raped my brother!"

"Can we say taken advantage of?" Magnus covered his chest with his arm "Rape makes me feel so so dirty."

I looked at him covering my mouth laughing. This was a serious moment and his ass was joking.

"Magnus" I looked at him trying to be serious.

"I'm unclean now." He said making me laugh.

Oskar shot at her legs over and over again and she was just screaming. "Brother" he said moving his foot off her face.

"Oskar please" Nadia said crying.

"Shut up bitch" he looked at her crazy
Magnus took his jacket off and handed it to me "Hold this for me goddess"

"Yes sir"

Magnus sat her up and got behind her wrapping his arm around her throat and his other arm grabbing her hair. Oskar started kicking her in her face repeatedly and Magnus was chuckling. I heard a crunch and it made me cringe.

I heard the door open and my dad came in "Oh they're already doing it"

"Doing what? Breaking her face?"

"You should see them do it in public. Like an work of art."

"Rome hand me that knife" Oskar said holding his hand out

I gave him the knife and Nadia eyes were flickering open and shut. She looked like she was trying to talk but couldn't. Her teeth were broke and her face was covered in blood. You couldn't even recognize her.

"One cut one pull brother?" Oskar said

"What the fuck does that mean?" I looked at my dad "what the fuck are they about to do?"

"Shhh Rome" he wrapped his arm around me "This is the best part. Just watch. I should've made popcorn. Damn it" he shook his head

Oskar stabbed her in the throat and pulled it to the other side making a big gash in her neck. Then Magnus pulled her head off her fucking body.

My eyes were wide and I gasped. My dad started slowly clapping "Beautiful. That was beautiful. Great work you two"

Magnus came over to me and kissed me "Did you enjoy?"

"I did" I bit his bottom lip "You still want that other baby?"


I grabbed his hand "Let's go practice. Ripping heads off bodies and shit. My little Russian hulk." I pulled him out the basement and up to my room.
Finna give my man some pussè

Finna give my man some pussè

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When In Rome (WIR Book 1. Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now