𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔫𝔢

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dearest stefan

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Dearest Stefan,

I hope this letter finds you well. I couldn't take my eyes off of you at the fair we met at today. You have such beautiful eyes, has anyone ever told you that? You could make any girl swoon with them, I know you've got me. I hope we can meet up later because I cannot stop thinking about you.

I do have to apologize for Julian though. He can be a little overprotective sometimes, but that's not going to stop me from writing or wanting to see you again. Nothing can; you've already got me swooning.

Maybe we could go stargazing later. Or sunset watching. Whichever one you prefer. I personally like gazing at the Stella Polaris, and if you don't already, I bet you would too.

I do not have much time left to write you anything more so I must end my letter here. I wish you the best and I hope you accept my invitation to meet up once more. Please let me know if you would, I am already so eager to know your response.

Love from,

Valerie Tulle

AN ANXIOUS VOICE barely managed to get the words out, as impatient footsteps sounded and echoed through the building.

"Come on, come on," Stefan was pacing back and forth outside of the waiting room where Madeline Hughes was giving birth. He was having a daughter and he was very excited, but at the same time nervous. He was only 16 and knew nothing of how to take care of a child, but he made a promise to always protect and love his daughter. He was going to try his best to take care of her.

"One more push, Miss Madeline," he heard the midwife say and he got even more anxious. His brother, Damon, was still away at war, and his father was disappointed in him for getting a woman so pregnant so young but accepted it.

Stefan's head snapped up when he heard the sound of a baby crying and he barged into the room, not caring that he was instructed to stay outside.

"Stay with us, Miss," Madeline was dying because of how much it took to give birth to the baby, and Stefan was a very compassionate person, but he was too occupied with his daughter who was in his arms. He was already so fond of her; he felt a few tears fall. He loved his daughter so much and she was just born.

"Do you know what you're going to name her, Mr. Salvatore?" One of the midwives asked him.

"Es-Estella Valerie Salvatore," he stumbled out, emotions flooding through him, tears building up in the back of his eyes threatening to fall.

Valerie liked the Stella Polaris, right? So he should name their little girl after her real mother. It was only fair given the current conditions of what he thought of her to be.


"Alright, dear. Your father is waiting outside," The woman left the room.

Estella started to cry, but Stefan who had no experience with taking care of a baby, surprisingly just rocked her in his arms, gently shushing her cries which worked. He smiled and left a sweet kiss on his daughter's forehead. He was surprised that he knew how to do that himself but was thankful. He was sure Valerie would be proud of him.

Speaking of, if she were here, he just knew that she would have let out a disbelieving laugh that would have led to them teasing each other.

'You think something is funny, Val?'

'Just that you calmed down our daughter given your charm.'

'I'll have you know, that you fell for my charm. I still have the first letter you sent to prove it.'

'Oh hush up, Stef. You'll wake Estella and all your hard work will be put to waste.'

'Then hush yourself.'

And it was true.

Stefan did still have the very first letter she sent him along with the others, and every once in a while he took them all out and read them, cherishing every moment with his first love as he possibly could.

Sure he felt attracted to some of the women here, but he would never love any of them. At least not like he loved Valerie. He would never get butterflies when he sees, thinks, and doesn't even think about them. He won't blush by just seeing them. He won't take time to rewrite the same letter over and over again, worried about his handwriting making a bad impression. And he would never have a child with another woman. That was all saved for Valerie. His first and last love.

Although he couldn't bring her back to life (if he could he would have tried every possible way to) he was still going to tell Estella about her beautiful mother who swooned for him, and how much they loved each other, and how she was such a good person, and would've been the best mother.

"I love you, Estella Valerie Salvatore. I will love you forever, so never forget that," he whispered, her still in his arms, and made his way to the rocking chair towards the corner of the room and sat down in it.

He held his daughter close to his chest and closed his eyes. Forever. Stefan would love Estella forever; just like he promised Valerie.

He had no idea that in a couple of years, forever was really going to happen. He would love both of his girls forever, and they would be his only control.


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