𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 ♔

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obviously ,  I do not own harry potter ,  but I will be writing certain ideas into the world .  it's addressed that magic is a global phenomena and much of its modern usage is very much a british or modern western standard ,  especially wands ,  and that other forms exist in other cultures with runes being a mystical idea .  so I did some thinking and wondered ,  what of ancient northern european wizards ,  and I imagined (just as other media has proposed) that the norse runes could have functioned as a means of magic spellcasting . I shall include an art faceclaim and real faceclaim ,  as people have different imaginations and visualizations of characters .

ALSO, I will 𝗡𝗢𝗧 be including a crush . I prefer to let interactions happen either between ocs and we also incorporate and simultaneously roleplay canonical characters when they are relevant to the scene or our OCs .  I'd rather not just start off with romance ,  but slowly burn into that .  Apologies if I sound picky .  I just prefer to see how our characters have an impact on the story in an "organic" manner , which includes how they interact with characters primarily beyond mere romantic interest !

not every idea displayed here is technically my own — but most of the character is completely original to my own mind . however there are certainly fair influences that go to other original character writers . the oc coming from affluent family , exploring the cursed vaults , and the idea of a student aid business at the school are all derived from other people's highly impressive ocs that I wanted to emulate . these ideas have been filtered through my own original ideas and train of thought .

I've done my damndest to give him clear characterized themes that mock the one-sides perception of a "Mary Sue", insofar as it's quite literally the perception the character has and suffers from in universe. If that goes over your head, it's on you.

I shall include both a live action and art faceclaim .


" no ronald ,  I cannot breathe fire or anything like that . "

name: kirschtaria thunraz edvard sigvaldi eizennavetr
name origin:
-  kirsch is german for cherry (pronounced "kir-sh")
-  thunraz is a proto-german theonym for thor . the presence of proto-german makes sense given how old is family is ,  and the fact both sides of his family find their roots in most european nations that are descended from those germanic tribes (central+northern europe.)
-  his second middle name edvard is after edvard grieg ,  a norwegian composer (famous for "hall of the mountain king") .
- his third middle name, sigvaldi, is of clear nordic origin. it's root words are ancient and mean "victory" and "ruler".
-  eizennavetr is a little complex , as eizen is likely derived from the german 'eisen' meaning 'iron'. 'na' and 'vetr' are old norse suffixes ,  the former being a word stem and the latter being a suffix meaning 'winter' or 'year' .
nickname: flitwick's wonderboy
age: eighteen in deathly hallows , one grade level ahead of harry .  he appears throughout every single one of the books and movies , although he is no longer a student after half blood prince given he graduates .
gender:  cisgender male
pronouns: he/him/his
sexuality:  heterosexual
birthplace: bergen ,  norway
house:  ravenclaw
blood status:  pureblood
family info:
jubstacheit wodanaz sigmund friedrich eizennavetr (father)
-  an exceptionally wealthy and intelligent norwegian-born wizard that went to durmstrang ,  being the heir of the eizennavetr family prior to kirschstaria .  he was murdered by a follower of voldemort who sought other wizards outside of the united kingdom . he made lots of business in basically being a wizard's captain of industry ,  and thus apart of the "wizarding wallstreet aristocracy" types of people and used his incredible magic talent to seek lots of patents .  his father held incredible sway over the ministry of magic ,  due to his monopoly over countless magical items .  the exact origin of the family is unknown ,  but they claim to be alchemists that studied in ancient alexandria that passed on their traditions across cultures ,  eventually reaching the baltics and northern europe . he passed on the dying form of runic spellcasting to his son .  his company , now headed by his wife , works in technically both the muggle and wizarding worlds although one would only know him from the wizarding world . they own countless things and businesses , including scrivenshaft's .  his family line is a complex descent—it includes phoenician at oldest, ancient scandinavian, scythian, ancient thracian, and descent from all around the baltics including slavic, germanic, and nordic descent . 
lorîn kirscheur-eizennavetr (mother)
-  an exceptionally talented witch who went to beauxbatons .  she notably was a very unorthodox type of witch ,  focusing on highly obscure forms of alchemy and transmutation to invent many magic machines and products .  she is a very intelligent woman and now holds a leading position in her husband's work and has a very similar approach .  in that respect she inherited her husband's political influence over the wizarding world . she is of northern german as well as lebanese descent and married jubstacheit originally out of family arrangements , but it seemed to have developed into love . she is a total sweetheart around her son ,  yet she has built a reputation of being the "authoritarian ice queen of the wizarding business world".  kirschtaria's maternal grandmother was a mostly pureblooded lebanese wizard who fled west due to conflicts .
annika freyja lysa-marie eizennavetr (older sister)
- an exceptionally talented witch who is seven years his senior . she also possesses the same gray eyes and light hair . she did not attend hogwarts nor durmstrang , but instead attended beauxbatons . she is the presumed business heir to their mother and father's work , which is all fine given kirschtaria does not dream of business life and only embraces it when he needs a steady flow of cash . she is still a very talented duelist and charms user despite being primarily focused on the business angle of the wizarding world .  she is the pinnacle of sisterly love .
profession: student at hogwarts , student at durmstrang (formerly)
vocal description: his voice is regarded as very elegant (almost insufferably so) ,  sophisticated ,  with a somewhat exotic accent that is very notable whenever he speaks .  harry believes he sounds a bit like david bowie due to his sonorous vocal range .  his accent is hard to pin down ,  and seemingly seems closer to a native german one and a native norwegian one blended together in a weird concoction due to speaking both languages as primary ones in his youth .  his very thick accent doesn't necessarily make him hard to understand given they are closely related to english , with linguistic similarities , but Ws become Vs most of the time and he speaks with a very different cadence that is prominent in the scandinavian languages .
personality:  there are a few themes that define his personality and character .  one ,  what it means to appear perfect or have a superficial or one-sided perfection—yet people ignore the internal struggle as a result .  kirschtaria has everything going well to a degree—the brilliance of tom riddle ,  the money ,  the wealth ,  looks ,  and humor .  he's also someone who suffers from immense loss ,  obsessive compulsive habits ,  and a maturity for his age that disconnects him heavily from those around him .  he lives heavily like a spectator to others even when he's at the center of attention .  secondly ,  he is a thematic parallel to tom riddle—having all the same signs of ambition and sheer ,  unadulterated brilliance—however he is a foil in the degree to which he's learned to not succumb to evil in the midst of tragedies in his youth .  tom riddle is what dumbledore fears kirschtaria could become—whereas kirschtaria is what tom riddle could have been .  he is a toxically ambitious and frighteningly intelligent student who presents himself as a very gentlemanly , well composed , and humorous male , often regarded as the ideal , upstanding child any elitist wizarding family would want at first glance ,  although clouded with a few thin shades of arrogance and self admitted occasional hypocrisy .  professor flitwick believes he is the utmost ideal learner—almost a terrifying one at that .  he is exceptionally tidy at all times ,  and very focused on looking perfect ,  whether it be balancing a tousled and combed look to his hair ,  removing the bags under his eyes from all night reading ,  always having good posture ,  etc . he performs with excellent manners when meeting others , yet if needed can calmly humiliate others and will happily do so towards many people such as draco malfoy , although he also tries to reach out to malfoy several times throughout the series , reinforcing the theme that people can depend on others not just themselves . people extensively describe him as 'perfect' as it is the public image he portrays to people who do not deeply know him .  he lives off magic like a drug ,  literally being dependent on it ,  with his dream being primarily to simply travel and learn ,  with mere business being a secondary factor . thus he is a know it all at times , even in the eyes of ravenclaws as he stands out as someone several years ahead of his fellow students thanks to his year round devotion to studying magic .  his relationship with magic cannot be described other than a pure fascination and obsession that covers every theoretical and practical thought of the past thousand years having been researched by him ; this obsession comes at a completely manic disregard for his own safety — learning for the mere sake of it  .  if it is magic ,  he wants to learn about it and understand every aspect of it .  he consumes knowledge endlessly and often finishes his homework in class so that he can read the rest of the day .  he takes added pride in being a pureblood but not due to actual blood status but due to a belief that pureblooded are carry on a simply more developed wizarding education and knowledge to produce greater wizard offspring , however this does not necessitate discrimination , as his views of wizards and normal muggles are far different from the clearcut separate species people often prejudicially treat them as . in his view ,  since ancient times , being a wizard was a role gifted by destiny and both a status of prestige but carried responsibility , a role sewn from threads of fate that should be honored . from this comes egalitarian devotion to magic itself and the helpful implications of its usage , giving rise to things like shamanism . he adapts this idea into modern life but under the pretense of separate societies , and tends to consider the best of muggles better than the best pureblood , because he believes purebloods misunderstand what it means to be proud ,  responsible wizards .  something all too apparent in him is a lust for magic ,  a manic obsession ,  he craves to learn more and more about it even if it means violating magic law .  he reads about it ,  excels in it ,  and refuses to stop learning much to the occasional dismay of his teachers .  he has shown himself to be an excellent businessman ,  using students as a source of income by selling information and things of the sort .  he is infatuated by simply working .  whether this means doing illegal magic ,  sneaking around campus ,  starting a student-aid business on campus ,  actually working with wizarding businessman ,  and plenty more .  he is far from a truly cold natured person ,  but when there's really no point in politeness and there is someone he is not particularly close to ,  he will be rather blunt and off-putting . in the manner of a businessman , he is willing to profit off just about anyone and anything ,  however he will only profit off circumstances that doesn't wrongly inconvenience people who are already inconvenienced . his personality in the form of his charm , intellect , ambition , and manic curiosity towards magic all parallel tom riddle greatly and is partly why dumbledore took such interest in him ,  as he and tom riddle are both two incredibly intelligent people who want to push the boundaries of magic itself and have more in their mind than they let on ,  even though kirschtaria is much more good natured .   his good nature is evident in his relationship with draco malfoy ,  as he would happily humiliate malfoy if malfoy had bullied another student ,  but at the same time ,  he does not hate malfoy nor even dislike him deeply in any regard .  he even attempts to reach out to draco several times and promise narcissa malfoy protection .  he is baptized catholic and identifies as catholic. dolores umbridge alleges he is a psychopath in court—citing his obsessive, entirely unhealthy study habits as proof of his mental unwellness. by the deathly hallows though, his personality has unwound a bit and grown more unhinged .  he has a rabid devotion to stopping voldemort—like it was what he prepared for his whole life and refused to admit ,  having repressed how he lost his father .  it's a personal crusade and one he struggles to give up ,  but instead he has to choose to help harry get close enough to die and then come back to life . 
appearance: he is a very tall male ,  standing at a height of five foot ten (178 cm) at the age of thirteen in the philosopher's stone ,  roughly six feet tall (~182 cm) by fourteen years old in the chamber of secrets ,  and reaching a height of six foot five by the end of the series .  his features even at a young age seem to be charming and personable ,  well matured and admirable .  he has naturally more sandy complexion closer to his mother than his father ,  with a few freckles around his nose that are visible up close . He has a pale-gold champagne blond hair with natural dirty blonde highlights and darker roots .  this creates a lot of "depth" to his hair color but still feels cohesive and natural ,  being a blend of pale and normal blond and a silvery-gold slightly dirty blond coloration ,  being rather dirty blond at the roots .  that is to say ,  his hair is less of a singular blond shade the whole way through like draco's is and a smoothly unfolding gradient between strands with darker thin concentration in certain areas . his eyebrows carry a bit darker brownish-blond shade which is rather normal for blonds .  he keeps his hair lightly tousled in some parts yet parted with a comb , with the sides trimmed down as it approaches the ear . his hair is fairly wavy , being straighter at the roots and wavier at the ends . thus he balances a carefree hairstyle with a still presentable one .  his hair is parted slightly off center on the right side of his head .  his eyes are primarily an unnatural stony gray coloration with a noticeable glossy ice-blue tint , which is a hereditary trait through his father .  he has high cheekbones , mildly thick eyebrows that are well trimmed that he inherited from his mother , darker eyelashes , a mildly narrow face , pronounced jawline , and a shape to his eyes that make them rather dreamy . he possesses a well built ,  slender frame ,  standing much more physically imposing and cut than most wizards (even in his early teens) given they don't rely on physicality that much ,  but he certainly does and has built his dueling style off both physical and magical evasion . as of his first appearance as a thirteen year old in the philosopher's stone ,  he appeared remarkably mature having recovered from the mutations of dragon's blood ,  maybe looking closer to a fifteen years old .  he has very notable bags under his eyes that he hides with charms .

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