Soul mates

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Ava pov

"Jordan stop swearing."

"Yes ma'am" Jordan says with her head down.

"How many times have we had to tell you no swearing Jordan."

" 3 time ma'am sorry for swearing Captians." Jordan says

"Jordan you are in mopping duty for the rest of the week no if and or buts about it am I understood." Sara says

"Yes Captain. Can I go to bed now. My head is killing me." Jordan states

Jordan's pov

"Yes you can go back to bed Jordan." Captian Lance says

" Good night captains."

"I told you to stop calling me that Jordan." Sara shouts down the hallway.

"Sorry not sorry Sara. Good night"

The next day
Sara pov

"Gideon were is Jordan?"

"She is still in bed Captain Lance. Do you want me to wake her."

"Yes please Gideon. It's noon. Wake her up."

Then I hear stomping come down the hallway to the lounge.

"Ugh!! why the fuck  did u wake me up captian. I was sleeping." Jordan yells at me.

"Okay lose the attitude Jordan. One it is noon and two me and Ava are taking you out. So go get ready. Dress casual black hoddie. Please be ready by 3 and meet back here."

"Wow you both look hot! We're we going?" Jordan says when she comes back to the bridge.

"Well we are going to walk around the park in National city. Then we will go from there." Ava says.

"Let's go Cuties!"

Jordan's pov

"Wow have not been here in a long time. I miss this park."

"Glad you like it. Now let's get to know each other while we hike." Ava states

"Okay fave animal?"

"Wolf because I is brave strong and loyal." Sara says

"Dog cause they are man's best friend"

"Tiger cause of the markings on their fur." Ava says

"Fav color?" Sara asks

"Black and red"

"Green" Ava answers

"Light blue" Sara answers

"Jay bear!!"  As I turn around "what the fucken hell" stopped and yelled and ran "Kara, Lena! What you doing here?"  Then tackling them in a hug.

"Well we wanted to go on a hike at the park. What you doing here? Also why do They look confused Jay?"  Lena answers.

"Well Lena and Kara I found my soul mates. Sara Lance and Ava Sharp. Now be nice both of you."

"Hi I'm Kara Danvers-Luther and my wife Lena Danvers-Luther. We are Jordan's Aunts. If you hurt her in any way I will kill you." Kara intrudes themselves

" Hi Kara I'm Sara and that's Ava." Sara introduces themselves

As Ava smacks the back side of your head.

"Ow what the hell was that for Ava!"

"Swearing Jordan. That what it was for. Now Jordan stop swearing unless u want two more."

"Hahahahahaha " Kara and Lena laugh at you being smacked.

"We have tried for years to make her stop good luck." Lena states.

"I will stop by the tower in an hour or so to say high. Love you guys." You hug then goodbye.

"Love you too Jay bear." Kara and Lena say.

Sara pov

"Jay bear? Where does that come from? Jordan."

"While it actually comes from my mom actually. We were cuddling one day on the couch when I was about 10, I am actually a very cuddly person when I want to be aspecaily with my Mom and my  Aunt Kara.  One night my Mom said I was like a teddy bear. So from that point on they called me Jay bear."  Jordan answers.

I look over and Ava is giggling at the story.

"That is really cute Jordan." Ava says while giggling.

"While let's go meet Jordan's family."

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