Chapter 11- A Change of Heart

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"Do you want to come in to help at least?" I asked Yoongi purposely.

"Fine. But I have to leave when you call the cops on him later," Yoongi said as he got down from the car.

I opened the door to my house and walked in while I set the alarm. Yoongi pushed the man in the house and made him sit on one of the dining room chairs. Yoongi used the ropes that he tied the man before in the warehouse and tied the man on the chair tightly.

"Do you want to at least slash him a little for your self-defense explanation later to the cops?" Yoongi asked me as he looked at the man.

"Really? I don't think he needs that, do you?" I asked him back.

Before I could say anything else to Yoongi, he took out his pocket knife and slashed him on his right arm. Big and nice. The man yelled in pain, but his voice was muffled by the gag that Yoongi placed in his mouth while he tied his hands and legs before.

"Done and I think he needs one," Yoongi said as he handed me his pocket knife.

I realized that Yoongi is the type who springs on actions first before talking when he gets mad. I know I have to get used to this attitude of his since we have the deal of staying together after this. I noticed the man's blood was dripping on the floor as his wound was huge and deep. Rachel is going to have nightmares if she sees blood here, so I knew I had to call the cops immediately so that they would turn this man in before Rachel comes back to a bloody scene of crime here.

"Leave now. I am calling the cops," I said as I took my phone from my pocket.

"I want it to look like a break-in and entry," Yoongi took a chair from the dining room and ran towards the sliding window in the hall.

I stood there in shock as he broke the sliding window in one throw and how he casually walked over to my lawn to get the chair back.

"I will come back after the cops leave. Make sure the doors are open for me," Yoongi said casually.

My eyes widened as I saw how cool Yoongi was when he did that and walked out of the house as nothing happened. I came back to my senses when the man tried to wiggle out of his tied ropes, and he fell on his arm. The man yelled in pain because he fell on his wounded arm.

"Ouch, that's going to hurt badly," I mumbled under my breath as I dialed the cops.

The cops came in after 5 minutes and arrested the man for a second attempt at murder. I gave them a piece of my mind for releasing him the first time, and they assured me that nothing like this would happen again. I wrote them a second report and made sure I highlighted the second attempt murder in bold. The cops cleared the scene, and they advised me to get a restriction order letter from the court too. I told them if they did their work in order and in discipline, I wouldn't need this letter, but I said I would get the letter just in case.

I set my house alarm and started to clear the dining hall. I started by wiping the blood off the floor and making sure the smell of the blood faded as I used the floor detergent to mop thrice. Now, I had to explain to Rachel what really happen to the sliding window, so I didn't really touch the broken pieces in the hall. As I was washing my hands, I sensed someone was at the back of me and I quickly turned around with a knife in my hand.

"Hey, hey, it is just me! Put the knife down, will you?" Yoongi said as he was cautious.

"Can't you make some noise when you enter? You scared me to death!" I said as I placed the knife down on the kitchen sink.

"I see you clean up well. Not bad," Yoongi looked around.

"Don't expect me to do this when I am with you. Your mess, you clean," I said as I wiped my hands on the hand towel.

"About that, since it is in our deal that you are going to live with me, when do you want to come?" Yoongi asked me.

"Wow, you are asking me? That is shocking!" I teased him.

"Don't push it, princess. It is an honor that I am asking and not dragging you back to my house right now," Yoongi said in cold.

"Fine, after my final," I told him.

"And that is when?" Yoongi asked back.

"End of this year," I replied him in short.

"No, that can't do. You are coming end of this month and that is it. No more questions," Yoongi said.

"I did not ask for your opinion here. I am telling you that I will come over at the end of this year," I fought back.

"Pack your bags now! We are leaving now!" Yoongi slapped the kitchen counter hard.

"What?! Now?! No way! End of this year, I said end of-" I raised my voice to Yoongi, but he cut me short by dragging me to my room suddenly.

"No one tells me what to do. I decide for you. Now pack!" Yoongi forced me to pack my bags.

"Make me!" I snared at him.

Yoongi took out his gun from his back pocket and released the safety pin. He pointed the gun at me and smirk.

"Now you pack, or I will shoot you," Yoongi threatened.

"You really will shoot me? If you dare," I dared him again.

"Don't trigger me, princess. I will shoot you right on your head," Yoongi threatened back.

"I will come after my finals. Why can't I have my way on this at least? Only a month to end this year plus I can't really study with you hovering over me all the time. It is annoying, you know?" I tried to lie to Yoongi.

I lied because I would love to spend time with Yoongi in his house, but he has to learn to give in a little and not to be so much of a control freak. He wasn't like this before when we were kids but as we grew apart, people we knew and cared about also changed. I saw Yoongi take a deep breath and lower his gun. He placed his gun back in his back pocket and looked at me.

"Whatever then. I will pick you up at the end of this year," Yoongi said in his low husky tone.

I sighed relieved and almost turned around when Yoongi caught my arm and kissed me. We both fell on the bed as he kissed me hard. He had his tongue in my mouth, and he kissed me more passionately when I tried to push him away. He stopped suddenly and looked at me with a smile of satisfaction.

"That is for not listening to me and kissing me without any warning back at the warehouse", Yoongi got up from the bed adjusting his jacket.

"I did that because I did not want you to kill him plus that was my first kiss," I said as I tried to get up from the bed.

I felt my legs were wobbly and weak after that kiss. I tried to pretend that I was okay and could stand up properly, but I couldn't, so I sat on the bed to cover up my weakness.

"Glad I was your first kiss," Yoongi said as he walked out of the room.

I wiped my mouth and got up from the bed. This time I was more steady, so I walked out of the room and asked if Yoongi wanted to stay awhile for tea or coffee.

"What time your roommate would be back?" Yoongi asked me.

"End of this week. She is at her boyfriend's house," I said as I adjusted my hair.

"I should be going now," Yoongi said as he got up.

"I know I would regret this the next morning when I say this. You could stay over a little while if you want. The window is broken and-" I couldn't finish the sentence as I was too embarrassed.

Yoongi looked at me without any expressions on his perfectly handsome face. I took a deep breath and sipped the tea that I made for myself since Yoongi did not want any. I looked away trying not to look like I was crying for help. Yoongi smirked a little and nodded in small.

"I guess I will sleep in the hall. I will call the glazier tomorrow to fix the window," Yoongi said.

I know that I should be afraid of him, but I felt secure and safe when he is around me because he threatened to kill my parents if they don't pay up on time. I shrugged that thought away, and I took a pillow and a blanket for Yoongi so that he could sleep on the couch comfortably. Yoongi pulled over the curtain and cleared the glass pieces on the floor.

That night the wind was a slow breeze and cool with beautiful stars in the sky. It felt perfect for the first time after a very long and tragic day. I walked back to my room and opened the window as I wanted to feel the cool breeze on my chubby cheeks. The sky was a deep, clear blue, and the moonlight reflected on people's windows. I could feel the stars smiling down at me. After the stifling heat of the day, I felt relieved. Glad to be free of the awful day I had.

I closed my window after a while and took my blanket and slipped under it on my bed. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I was comfortable yet, deep in my gut, I knew something was not right.

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