Chapter Part 12- Making You Mine

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From just outside, I smell an old, rotten odor. I roll my eyes and drag myself out of bed. I was about to walk into the kitchen. When I discovered no one was there. Min Yoongi wasn't on the couch as I saw him the last before heading to my room that night. Everything seemed normal to me except the fact that Yoongi wasn't on the couch.

Slowly, I open Rachel's room door thinking he might want to sleep comfortably on the bed instead. Her bead was neatly made, and work files were on her desk. A note was addressed to me. I had to read it twice to make sure it wasn't some kind of mind game.

It stated "Please help me, babe! I'm terrified! I'm being chased by someone."

My adrenaline rose to its maximum and I went pale. I picked up the piece of paper and walked out of her room. The sliding window was not broken anymore, and I still find Yoongi anywhere in my house. I panicked a little and headed back to my room wanting to call Rachel to find out if she was just playing a prank on me. I couldn't get through to her, so I tried calling Yoongi.

"Where are you? I thought you were in the hall just a while ago?" I asked Yoongi as he picked up the phone.

"Since when I came to your place? It is 3 am and I have work tomorrow. Get back to sleep, will you?" he said as he ended the call abruptly.

I was not surprised or shocked that Yoongi behaved in this manner as he did worst, and I have seen the worst from him. I started walking out of my room and opened the sliding door. It was stuck!

I flung the sliding door open. "Rachel!" I cried out into the cold night air. The concrete was cold underneath my feet. I stepped into the front garden, the grass tickling my toes. No more the slow cool breeze anymore and there were no more stars in the sky. I was soon on the run. I didn't know where to go, all I knew was that I needed to get somewhere safe. I felt a shiver run down my spine. A guy clothed in black from head to toe stood at the end of the road. I started looking for a spot to hide.

Right now, anywhere would work. I found myself huddled behind a bush in someone's garden. My eyes welled up with tears. I was alone. When I looked up, the stars had stopped smiling at me. They had a menacing appearance, with tips that seemed more like knives than delicate strokes. I lowered my head. I felt embarrassed. But as I gazed further into the garden, I felt sick to my stomach.

My eyes flinched as I heard a knocking. I tried to open my eyes, but I just couldn't. My heartbeat was faster, and I was sweating, and then I forced myself to wake up. It was a dream! I was relieved that it was just a dream. Then, I heard the knocking again. I pushed my blanket away and got up from my bed. I wiped my sweat off my forehead and opened the door. As soon as I saw Yoongi outside my room door, I smiled in huge. I did not know that I was this happy to see him standing there with his jacket.

"I called for the glazier, and he said he would come any minute now. I need to leave now," Yoongi said as he walked away from me.

I followed him and looked at the sliding door, and it was still broken. At that moment I was very thankful that it was just a dream that made me nervous and scared.

"Thank you for staying over. Thank you for calling the glazier for me too," I thanked Yoongi.

Yoongi nodded in small and smiled at me. He opened the front door and hopped on his bike. He wore his helmet and nodded at me again. He left my house compound that morning and I felt alone once more. I knew Rachel would be coming back at the end of this week, but I wished she would change her mind and come back sooner.

That week, after that awful dream of mine, Yoongi never contacted me, nor I was distracted by him or anything else around me. The week ended peacefully, and the sliding window was replaced by the time Rachel got back from her boyfriend's house. When Rachel was back, I was narrating what happened to me that week and I pretended as nothing happened between Yoongi and myself or even talked about the kiss.

That week I did not have any classes due to study break, so, that day, so I decided to do some grocery shopping. I wanted to cook something nice for Rachel and myself wanting to make up for the lost time between us.

"I am at the store, do toy want anything?" I asked Rachel over the phone.

"Maybe some yogurts?" Rachel replied.

Rachel and I have been friends ever since I moved into this town, but we got closer when we entered the same university. We shared three classes together and ever since then, we bonded with each other well. We used to skip classes to sneak out to watch movies in the nearby mall and pretend like nothing happened when our parents asks us about our day. We often walk to the night market every Wednesday just to get our usual milkshakes there. Rachel has liked my sister, although she does annoy me sometimes I love her as she is.

I quickened my pace as the clouds began to gather in the sky. Up to now, the sky had been postcard-perfect, but it was changing. The beautiful cocktail-blue shade was beginning to darken into gravel gray. Large pillows of cloud were forming, blotting out the old-gold color of the sun. I got the first splatter of rain when I was halfway across the road. I took shelter under an old oak, hoping that I could see out the shower.

Suddenly, there was another guy taking shelter under the tree with me. He looked very familiar to me, but I couldn't place him in my mind.

"I am sorry. I did not know it would rain this heavy," that guy said to me.

"It is okay. Me either. By the way, do I know you?" I asked him politely.

"Oh, I am sorry. I wouldn't bother you again," he misunderstood me.

"No, no, I mean. Have we met before?" I asked him again.

"I don't think-Wait a sec. Did you go to Seoul Foreign Language High School?" he asked me curiously.

"Yeah, I did," I replied to him.

"I went there too. You sat behind me. Oh, now I remember!" he said as he smiled hugely.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. You are Jae's friend, aren't you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, oh, I am sorry about you and Jae Sung. I liked you both as couples and rooting for the both of you", he said as he looked at me.

"It is over now. It doesn't really matter. He is married, and I heard he is in Daegu now?" I wanted to confirm.

"Yeah, but we don't keep in touch very often. Just once in a while," he said.

"Good to know," I replied him in short.

"Hey, you don't mind if we have a cup of coffee sometimes, right?" he hesitated to ask me.

"No, not at all. Would be fun," I said as I looked up to the sky.

The sun came out again, casting slanted beams of light across the road. So, I said my goodbyes to him and walked back home thinking it was sure welcoming to see Jae's friend back as he helped me a lot during high school. I walked back home carrying all the groceries in my hand. I waited for Rachel to open the door, and she took in the groceries while I told her whom I met just a while ago.

"I know it was all sudden, but he was nice," I said as I kept the groceries back in the cupboard.

"Was he always in this town?" Rachel asked me.

"He and Jae are from the same town, but I don't know if he still stays there," I replied to her.

"Well, I would be cautious though. He might be weird because he popped out of nowhere," Rachel warned me.

"Nothing to worry about. He is a pleasant guy. A nerd, actually. Helped me a lot during high school," I said trying to brush off her worry.

"Oh, you know Mr. Bing got out earlier today from the hospital, and he is resigning his work?" Rachel said.

"Seriously? Wow, what a shame though," I said in shock.

"I know right. He can be a little peculiar, but he gave us all good results at the end," Rachel pouted.

"He did? All of us? Even me?" I asked her curiously.

"Didn't you check your semester results yet?" Rachel asked me.

"No, I haven't, actually. With all the things happening around me, I had no time for myself," I complained.

"He gave us tips for the finals too. It is in our portal. I just checked," Rachel added.

"He is a good man with a weird character though," I said as I made us some hot chocolate since it was cold due to the rain.

My phone rang suddenly and Rachel picked it up instead.

"Hello, who is this?" Rachel spoke as I looked at her.

"Okay, she is here. Just a second," Rachel replied with a smile.

"Here, your future husband is on the line. Since when did you have a boyfriend?" Rachel teased me a little.

I rolled my eyes and pushed her hot chocolate cup towards her. I picked up my phone and answered it.

"Why do you have to tell her that?" I said in a whisper as I entered my room.

"Everyone should know that you are mine. By the way, I want you to get dressed by 7 pm. I will come to pick you up," Yoongi said.

"What? By 7 pm? What is this about?" I rolled my eyes again.

"My birthday," Yoongi coldly said.

"Oh, happy birthday. I am sorry I did not know this, but I cannot make it. I have a study session with my classmates tonight," I said.

"You have no choice. Either cancel it or I am canceling the deal we made," Yoongi threatened me.

"No, you wouldn't dare!" I was shocked.

"Bite me, princess!" Yoongi challenged me.

"Okay, fine, fine. I will get dressed by 7 pm today, but I can't stay out late. I have a lot of catching up to do," I reasoned with him.

"We will see about that," Yoongi said as he ended the call.

I was wondering what is it like to stay with him after my finals because I cannot even tolerate him now. He needs to be easier going, or I am going to give him a fair fight too. This time, he can have his way, but there would be no next time with his attitude with me. Rachel came into the room suddenly with a huge box in her hand.

"You did not tell me your boyfriend is rich and romantic!" Rachel was excited to see the box.

"What do you mean?" I asked her curiously.

"This came for you. It was sitting outside the door just now," Rachel said as she handed me the box.

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